Jan 16, 2005 12:56
well last night was funtastic to say the least. somehow in the last week I've gotten to see two of my best friends who don't go to school here and party with them!
I looooooved having tara here, and when we all went out to dinner @cosi wednesday night (me tarrin linds kim and tara) it was the most I've laughed in a long time. I love my 6 north 03-04 girls and I miss our little dynamic from last year. But since everybody seems to be extremely happy with their new situations (tara especially because she goes to GW and gets to go to not one but two inauguration balls on thursday!) I can dig this year too.
So I won't regale you with the stories from the parties tara and I actually went to (betas and ZBT) but I will tell you that BIG DADDY IS THE WORST TAXI PLACE EVER. Seriously, three nights in a row I got screwed with my pants on by these stupid people. And Friday because they were useless Tara and I had some run-ins with a few of MSU's sketchy characters (ie. a guy who needed to renew a library book at 2AM, offered us a ride home and then said "don't worry I'm not a bad guy or anything" which can be translated to "yes I will rape you and throw you in the flooding cedar river").
Work is grrrrrreat and I'm sort of excited about finally working by myself tomorrow morning. Luckily its not during a mail shift which means I don't have to deal with nudy magazine day! which was on friday and I got to witness firsthand.
oh and my PLS class is like a high school class. I kid you not. It makes me want to be hit over the head by a blunt object repeatedly. But at least there's a woman who is a court reporter who is taking the class so she takes notes on her little court reporter computer in shorthand which looks like a language from a different planet.
okay I'm gonna have toupdate more often cause these are getting long and arduous (dont you love that word?). now its time to go lay on the futon til kim comes back and makes me move around.
p.s.- sorry to allison for calling her so many times last night!! and melissa is so money and she doesnt even know it baby!