May 17, 2004 23:47
Recently, in the midst of an arguement with Rhys after he'd told me that I wasn't being "open minded" about
his friends racist comments I found myself shouting "Fuck you and your I'm being a devil's
advocate. Saying to one of your friends that I don't like Sarah Michelle Geller and her finding that upsetting is not the same thing as her using disgusting racist words" things only went downhill from there with "If she wants to play the push buttons game how about I call her a baby murderer? I don't shit on her carpet and I don't expect her to shit on mine."
In his eagerness to get away he tripped and fell down the stairs.
Wow, you know what really brings out the best in me? moving to an ultra conservative redneck town where people feel insulted if I ask them to stop saying niggercoonslopehead and other assorted charming words in everyday conversation.
My work mates they of the "Well, sometimes women deserve to be raped" frame of mind think that my major problem is that I haven't had enough problems with other racial groups yet and that when I do, I'll finally get it together and start saying using those words like normal people.