So how's it going out here?
I finished my month long regimen of Strattera... and it really does help. In a lot of little ways, but really useful little ways. Since I started taking it, I know where my keys (and wallet and cell phone) are - on the dresser top, where they go every night, and if they're not there they're in my jacket. It sounds so petty, but that tiny level of frustration, every day, just makes it everything easier.
I'm exercising every day. I used to do it in fits and starts, but I never kept at it. I've been doing it regularly every day for just about a month.
I'm "luckier". Things are working better. In a very general sort of way, problems don't turn into disasters, becuase I deal with things while they're still problems instead of disasters. Which makes me think that an awful lot of "bad luck" I've had in the past was flat-out self-sabotage.
I've got more space in my head. This one's a touch hard to explain, but... ever clean a room and feel like it got bigger after you were done? Yeah. Like that.
So yes, it does help. It doesn't solve my problems, but it gives me the room to solve them. And that, by itself, is good enough reason for me to keep taking it. This is one "vitamin" with some real health benefits for me.
The SCA is immense fun. I'm learning at little bit more every day, thanks primarily to the selfless work of Farthegn/Jeffrey York. I deeply appreciate the help, and promise to do you proud, Captain. Just about everyone's willing to give good advice along the way; I've been trying to build on what everyone's taught me to date, and finding a few new ideas and tricks along the way.
My tentative (really, really, REALLY) tentative plan is to work on sidestepping. There's always a tendancy in a fight to work on one plane, forward-back. I want to see if I can keep rotating around my opponent clockwise instead. I'm fighting left-handed, so that sort of motion ought to do two things for me: one, it keeps me moving toward my opponent's sword-side, which is very open from my stance; and two, it foils the wrap shots a right-hander wants to throw at me. Against another novice, it has the potential to wreak havoc; first he has to think about how to approach the lefty, then he has to shift and think about it again, and again, and BONG! Now I have to work the basic shots I'm learning into that motion. I'll keep just woking on basic shots all week and fiddle with it this Wednesday. Even if it's not as effective as I might hope, the essence of the concept - Keep Moving - can only work to my benefit.
Thanks to everyone - absoultely everyone - who's offered support along the way. You've been treasures. Thank you.