
Feb 04, 2015 16:57

Ugh, I keep having days when I try to write at Pro and my brain just clogs like a toilet. It feels as disgusting as that sounds, I assure you. It's not all bad - today I managed to eke out a post. Not a great post, but a post, and pretty much any post is better than no post.

I gotta stop saying "post" before it loses all meaning.

Hubby was interested when I brought up the TV show Sleepy Hollow last month, so we ended up watching the backlog on Hulu together. As of today, we're all caught up! Season 2 doesn't have quite the same zip as Season 1, but I like it enough to hang in there. I can guess some of what the writers have in store, and what I'm guessing seems intriguing.

I've been compiling a bunch of my roleplay-related data into a wiki. Right now it's private, but I think I might open it up once I have it all in order (possibly keeping a sort of private "scratch pad" area for me to work on new concepts, while the rest would be public). I don't know why I didn't do this before! I have a great love of organized data, and all these alphabetical indices serve to scratch a deep itch that I never knew I could soothe.

When arranging my wiki, almost by accident, I made an index of the various co-op stories my characters have been in. I'm enormously glad that I did. My memory has always been rusty, and it's so easy to tell myself that I didn't do much of anything, even when I started roleplaying.

Well! I was Jaina Jade of Cloud City, head of the House of Jade, stand-in for the mother of the bride when Cloud City celebrated the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. I was Pasht Sphinx of Beta Centauri, who found a new level of satiation by feeding on a certain elf with very strong magic in her blood. I had forgotten, but the index doesn't lie: I was there. I can find my characters' names in archived documents. I did that.

I'm pretty sure I had more to write about, but I'm not remembering at the moment. I was sick all weekend. Maybe I'm still not 100% yet? I can blame the illness, yes, that sounds good.

Time to post. Post post post. Pooooooost...

roleplay, profusion

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