
Jan 26, 2015 16:57

I'm happy lately. Friday, I got some good roleplaying done, after
anke helped me get past a particular sticking point. Another person in the chatroom commented that our story sounded neat, which was a pleasant surprise to me!

That night, I dreamed I was back in school, fully clothed (in nylons even!), getting complimented. It seems my subconscious is still trying to wrap itself around the notion that I don't suck. Aww. We'll get there, brain!

Sunday saw me quite unexpectedly playing a game of Traveller for the first time in my life, with a group I didn't know (except for the GM, who was once my housemate). We did really well! I got to be the muscle but not an idiot. I felt a little uneasy about playing that type of character (a marked departure from my usual), but it turned out splendidly.

Today I tried to catch up on stuff I'd let sit over my delightfully lazy weekend. I even scrubbed in the bathroom, which killed my nails. Oh well.

It's time for me to leave the computer. I feel like I didn't get anything of substance done today, but I guess that's to be expected after I let so much pile up. I'll just keep plugging away until I get there!

2015 means doing better, wtf an update, tabletop, profusion

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