Nov 08, 2006 16:56
I know it's probably not a big deal. Everyone turns 20. But I cant shake the feeling like something big is coming around next year. Being 19 was supposed to be fun but it wasn't. At all. I worked, was responsible, didn't do much and it sucked. I'm starting to wonder about what else is out there. Beyond the familiar rain soaked limits of vancouver. I was thinking austrailia. I like the idea of somewhere so far from here that I might forget where I came from. Even if it's just for a little while.
I still dont have comfirmed plans for my birthday. But i've already upset jen with out even doing anything. I just want it to go well and enjoy it. It's almost a miracle that I made it this far being on the road i was before. I deserve a freaking pat on the back for how much i've straightened out.
4 days and counting....