I have a concussion, contususions, severe whiplash and my brain is bruised. He advised me that if I still have headaches next week, that I have to come back for a CT to check for a slow bleed in my brain.
Oy! He still can't believe that I'm up and walking around. This hurts so much more than when I was in the wreck with the Suburban and the horse trailer! I didn't hit my head or anything else when that happened. I just had whiplash, but it was mild compared to now. It hurts to yawn! The front of my neck is that sore that if I yawn, I'm in agony. Oh, don't even get me started on what I feel like when I sneeze! Just kill me please.
*winces and whimpers, then cusses for feeling like a wuss*
Today's word: O-U-C-H!
Thank you everyone for your well wishes and pozzie vibes for me and my family. I'll get around to replying to your posts soon! Right now, I have to go take care of the horses and then take the kids to see Tony in the hospital. He's going insane from boredom there.
thefieryredhead, thank you so much for lending us the Indiana Jones box dvd box set...he's already watched them all! He's now going to watch The Terminator series.