Is it Friday yet?

Nov 11, 2008 12:38 so broke. Seriously, I have so little money, I’m counting down the days till it’s Friday and I get paid. Of course, Friday there are so many things I want to do! I need to set money aside for this and that and it’s just crazy. I was going to buy a few things more before I had to totally just stop, but this point, I’m only going to be buying the things I absolutely need.

Yesterday, I went ahead and took my car to Sam’s Audio. The car-dude said that the radio I He’s changed out at least 2 the last two weeks. So, he took me inside (after checking the radio) and he said that they had another radio like that only it was $125.99, but since I only bought this thing not even 2 months ago, what he’ll do is swap out my radio for the better one and I’ll pay the $55 difference. Of course, they didn’t have that type of radio in at the moment, so he told me to call back Friday. They’re supposed to get some in Friday, so I’ll call that morning and ask if they’re in and if they are, I’ll make an appointment. I’m thinking of asking if they can rig something up to hold my iPod...but, if the CDs are fixed then.../shrug. I dunno. I kinda want to get everything I could possible get fixed all at once...and on the other hand, I don’t see a need for the iPod thing if I have a great CD player.

Oh, and there was a big hoopla about Scamp coming over (or I should say, her going home) because I had asked if we could go and get her on the weekend and then some time around 6:30, 7ish her parents could come and pick her up (because we had that whole Twilight movie and girls’ day planed). But, Scamp had said that her parents couldn’t work it into their schedule to come and pick her up. So, I had accepted that fact that I would have to drive her home, and it wasn’t that big of a deal to me. Yeah, I’d be tired, but it’d be worth it to have her with Reiko and me for that last day. Besides, I would’ve been tired anyway. But this morning, Mom called Aunt Jane and asked if we could go pick her up and then they could come and get her on the evening of the 21st, and Aunt Jane said that it wouldn’t be a, I’m really happy about that...but a part of me is hoping that no one has misunderstood. I mean, We won’t be getting out of that movie till 6, so there’s no way we’re gonna be home till 6:30ish. If they can come and get her then, it won’t be a big problem. Still, if it does work out, it’ll be awesome!

Meh...I don’t have much else to write about. I guess I’ll talk later, Sunshines.

What Your Home Says About You

You come across as very intellectual. People take your wisdom seriously.

Your hygiene is passable, but you may be hiding some dirty secrets.

You are a fairly domestic person. You can probably make a decent batch of home cooked cookies.

You are not a very nurturing person. You have enough trouble taking care of yourself.

You feel settled in your life. You have enough time to focus on little details.

You are a very self sufficient person. You can get along well without much help.

Your friends see you as courageous, dynamic, and bright.

What Does Your Home Say About You?

money, plans, puma, reiko, scamp

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