Yo. I was about to knok out when I remembered that I hadn’t written in my journal or to my Dad, so I figured I’d better hurry up and do that before it is forever lost from my memory.
What did I do today? Well, Got up a little early for a Saturday. Went outside and ate breakfast with Mom out on the patio. Isn’t Patio a funny word? I mean who actually pronounces it like it’s spelled? Everyone I know says “Pad-e-oh”. The T took on the D sound. Reminds me of that old (old, old) commercial where he’s trying to spell out in the URL and they’re like “There’s no R in tickets!” and he’s like, “It’s the silent R.”
Anyway! Ate breakfast and then made us some cappuccino to enjoy before the family onslaught. My Uncle Buddy and Aunt Audrey were coming down. Everyone dislikes my Uncle Buddy (even my Aunt Audrey) because of his childish behavior. My mom always tells the story of how when I was little and we went to visit them, and he came in while I was watching TV and made a huge stink about me watching whatever cartoons I was watching, and said he wouldn’t be watching that junk in his house, and he promptly switched the channel to something like Scooby Doo or something equally asinine. He’s also famous for getting fed up with whoever Aunt Audrey is visiting with, and going out in their car and waiting for her. Pouting like a two year-old.
Anyway, I got all my money together and headed for my bank. I don’t know if they’re always that busy on Saturdays or if it’s just because yesterday was a holiday and they were catching up. We had a line seven cars long! It was crazy. Took me 30 minutes to get to the window. And the bank is at the base of a U-drive like thingy, and on the other side is a traler park neighborhood...people couldn’t really get to their homes because of all the cars blocking the one-way U-drive. It was insanity.
Got home, and the family were here. Was sociable for a grand total of about 15 minutes, and then got on AMOS whenever they left for lunch. I put Mom’s Mahjongg pack on AMOS along with an old game that I love. It’s called Star Warped. It’s absolutely hysterical. Two brothers (or step brothers) that have all these crazy Star War like games like “Wack the Ewok” where you walk an ewok off a bridge before he can get to the other side, and “Death Star Destructo” where you’re the Death Star and you have to shoot anything that comes near you (like Luke’s hand and space ships and gumball-R2D2’s, and then there’s “You don’t know Jedi”, which is like You don’t know Jack only with Star Wars stuff. There’s lots of other stuff too, I just can’t remember it all right now. The sad thing is that all the Mahjongg stuff works great but I can’t access Star Warped at all. Something about it needing 3MB of virtual memory in order to run...Virtual Memory? That means nothing to me! You have to tell me like, “You’ve got too many things running! Shut something down!” for me to understand how to fix the problem. I find it terribly ironic that an old game wont work on my brand new computer. But oh well.
But anyway, after the Aunt and Uncle left, Mom got me outside to learn how to work our new lawn mower. It’s one of those really new fangled ones that you steer with two hand levers instead of a steering wheel. Took me a while to get it, but I did ok. But eventually I got so sick of all the turning so I handed it over to Mom so she could do the back yard.
After that, I played Black & White 2 for a while, and then watched a rerun of CSI: NY with Mom> I did take plenty of pics of my time in B&W2, but I’m too tired at present to really post them.
I’ve been thinking about my fan fics a lot lately. Maybe it’s cause they’re all currently on a hard drive that I can’t access -.- I feel so listless! It’s like, I can’t write because I don’t remember all of what I’ve already written. It’s weird. I’ll have to ask Brian if he could squeeze me in sometimes to put that hard drive in tomorrow. And of course, since I’m thinking about my fics all my characters seem to be voicing their opinions as well. It’s mostly been Deimos and his niece Caladi, but they all take turns telling me exactly what they think of everything. Oh well, if they didn’t talk, life would be dull.
Ok, so the pills are so really making my eyes cross. I’ve written to Dad, and this entry is plenty long, so I guess I’ll sign off all ready. 6:30 always comes early. Goodnight.
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