Smithsonian Day Two

Jul 05, 2016 20:24

Still at Udvar Hazy location.

Discovered today that the hotel's shuttle would take me direct to the museum. This would come in handy shortly.

I got as far as picture #15 and the camera advised me it was OUT OF MEMORY.


Open camera, inspect, discover that when I copied yesterday's pictures onto the computer I had neglected to put the SD card back into the camera. *sigh*. Call shuttle & go wait outside for it. Dash to room, grab the SD card out of the card reader, re-insert into camera, dash back downstairs. There had been a hotel guest waiting for the shuttle to go to the airport on my emergency return from the museum, so I have to wait for him to get back before I can get back to the museum. By the time I get back there, it is lunch time.

After lunch I picked-up where I left-off, and 75 photos later I've run out of airplanes and spacecraft to photo. So I took the elevator up to the top of the observation tower & watched airplanes land at Dulles airport for a bit, and took photos of the roof of the museum, the main airport building, and a couple of the planes on final approach.

Then it's back to the benches and call the shuttle again. Once back at the Hampton, I transferred to my truck and headed back over to the Holiday for supper.

Now it is time to unload the camera again. No problem with the pictures on the SD card, but I find I have not brought the proper cable to use to unload pictures from the camera's internal memory, where the first 15 pictures from today are stored. I also have not yet loaded NIKON TRANSFER software onto my laptop, so it is gonna be until I get home before I can retrieve those other 15 pictures.

Meanwhile, back at the Space Hangar, about the third picture I took in there was of one of the Mercury capsules [a spare, that never got used] and for the rest of the time in that wing I was humming Harold Groot's "Mercury: Our First Steps" off the old Minus Ten and Counting tape.

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