so i've decided to post a few pictures from Pennsylvania and today's trip to the Ren Fest. and when i went to photobucket apparently you have to pay $25 for unlimited space and my $5 donation just isnt going to cut it. but apparently it's still letting me add pictures even though i'm already over the limit. but maybe i was just reading things wrong or something.
anyway...on to today.
so i finally got myself packed last night. i was up until 3 am packing up stuff. then i got up early this morning (around 8:20ish) and went and got my emissions tested. and i'm sure that it's not good when the guy doing the test on your car yells "fuck!" thankfully that wasn't the case in my line. i wish they could do that test somewhere else, like at the DMV or something because all they do is stick a thing under your dashboard. and there's a new test this year about whether or not your gas cap seals right.
then i went to walmart and did some last minute americorps shopping. a new blue bandana since i lost it somewhere (i.e. in curtis' apartment), a watch and an alarm clock (both for under $10 a piece), underwear, toothbrush, stuff like that. all i have left to buy is thermal underwear and socks.
so then i went to the Maryland Ren Fest with Benjamin and Deirdre.
a funny ancedote for those of you who may not click for the whole story:
we came upon this group of folk in costume, including a knight with chainmail on his head. the woman next to him was rubbing the chainmail. and benjamin says, "can i pet him?"
Tails were the big thing this year:
A funny show, he's balancing on a piece of plywood on top of a bowling ball, on top of a wobbly table, juggling flaming torches...or at least he does in a minute:
His finale was to walk across the audience on a tightrope and he fell twice:
There was a face on the tree with the tightrope on it:
Benjamin won this game:
How exactly is this possible?
Some pictures from the PA adventure:
This is a Shoe House that serves ice cream. Something from my childhood:
My mom being silly and my aunt:
So now you can have an animated pink flamingo in your front yard: