Oct 22, 2010 09:59
I think Hillary would have been a more ballsy, more qualified, more effective president than Obama.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell?
Gay Marriage?
I went to the Obama/Feingold/Barrett rally when they were in Madison, only because I was downtown taking a class anyway and my college student cousin texted me to come and sit with them. I was happy for them, having a sitting president visit during their undergrad years. It would have been thrilling to have Clinton in town when I was a student on a very political campus. Obama needs to stop blaming the previous administration, and like a drug addled starlet, take responsibility for his OWN dubious policy. The rally=healthcare, blah blah; education, blah, blah: and POOR ME, I had to take office after GWB. It's just so tired, Mr. President. Embrace the "living in the present" movement.
politics as usual