Just sayin'

May 08, 2009 13:19

Barack Obama has gone on record saying, "marriage is between a man and a woman." Gay marriage isn't a partisan issue, it is not black and white...as some people choose to make it.

There are non fundie Christians who support gay marriage and are Republican...those who believe love is simply love, and the same with commitment.

When I was traveling for work last weekend, I ran into my still blinded by hatred for Bush colleague who claims that Laura has left George out at the ranch while she lives in Dallas. "She's done with him," he said. He also has heard unconfirmed reports that GW and Condi are having an affair. He referred to an interview where she "freudian slipped" a reference to the sitting president at that time as "her husband." What!? I couldn't confirm how out there that comment was but the rest?! I'm so glad I know these people personally so I can laugh in their face at their small minded, vindictive commentary while they claim to be of the "elite and educated end of the spectrum."

The only Senator who actually read the Patriot Act cover to cover is Russ Feingold. He is also the only Senator who didn't support the invasion of Iraq. He is further the only public servant who walks the walk in terms of respecting the constitution. Is he Libertarian? No, he's a Democrat.

Labels are for jars, not people. Republicans and supporters of Bush are not the only ones "guilty" of not reading history beyond the current media sensationalism. And, Democrats are not as liberal as their supporters may proclaim.

In the immortal words of Jim Morrison, people are strange.


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