A hypocritical politician? Go figure.

Nov 01, 2006 08:31

Re: the whole Kerry thing.

Any fan of his can correct me if I'm wrong here but as I recall:

During the 2004 election, he would not respond to the Swift Boat Veterans for Justice (SBVJ) claims, despite his mostly or totally pristine record of service during the Vietnam war.

Shortly after the election, it appeared the reason why he didn't respond to SBVJ "campaign related harassment" was because of His College Transcripts! Said transcripts indicated that he was a poor student with a C-D average. Just your typical dumb ass whose parents could afford Ivy League. "Intellectually Lazy," as I believe his spokesperson coined it in her sorry attempt at an explanation for his insulting "joke commentary" to a room full of students and faculty.

So, basically, if your stupid or lazy or entitled and named John Kerry...you don't go to Iraq (even though he went to Vietnam--is he admitting he's his own definition of dumb? I'm confused here.), you marry a rich heiress and live the life of luxury, spewing transparent remarks from your ivory tower.

Sehr interessant, indeed. John Kerry should not be speaking to young, aspiring career people, IMO.


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