GH Rant & Rave

Jun 13, 2006 22:51

So I have rediscovered my love for the American Soap Opera on ABC "General Hospital" yeah ... my DVR records the show daily and while I do FF some of the boring stuff(just stories I have no interest in) I am LOVING much of what is going on ...

I still do not understand the people who actually like Sam(yes 
luke2 I am talking to you, I love you but I just don't get you lol) ... I feel that  ... that character started going downhill when she got Pregnant and since she lost the child? She just got worse and worse ...

This is a character who is :

Dependent, Whiney, Pathetic(because she is dependant and whiney and feels like her life is over if she can't be with the man she "loves" only that she loves her "dream" of who that means and not REALLY who he is because if she loved him for who he REALLY was then she would understand him and she clearly doesn't) Seriously how MANY time can Jason tell her "It's over" and how many times will she have the WHATEVER to question his love for her ... He has told her COUNTLESS times that it isn't about not loving her, that it is about not wanting to see her die due to him ... but then again, perhaps she thinks that he doesn't love her enough, perhaps if he did he would stay, she needs to stand on her own two feet and be happy with HERSELF and not rely on a man to make her happy and validate her life! .... I mean, GAH!  Why would I like a woman character like this?  Jason and Sam together = boring to me.  I do not get butterflies when they are together, I do not feel sorry for them not being together, they just bore me.  They are a 99% improvement over his last pairing with Courtney but only because ALW was SO pathetic and everything about them was so FORCED.  I can believe that Jason and Sam care for each other and I can see how they fell for each other even if I do not think it was for the right reasons which is what will be their ultimate demise.  I have nothing against Kelly M.  I think she is a very good actress but in the role that her character has been put into she is just a whiner that I can't stand to see on my screen.

On the other end of the Spectrum we have a male character that is BEYOND pathetic and that is the character of Lucky Spencer....

Now to clarify for long time GH fans who might read this .. I LOVED Lucky ... Jonathan Jackson's Lucky and when JJ left and they killed off Lukcy only to bring him back in the body of a different actor the character STAYED DEAD to me.  I like Greg Vaughn(Current Lucky) but he is still NOT Lucky to me.  So his character DOES NOT collect a GO pass when he screws up.  Taking drugs, lying to Elizabeth, CHEATING on Elizabeth and then having the NERVE to NOT TRUST HER when he is the SCREW UP?????? WHATEVER! Then he actually told Luke(his Dad) that he was "Tired of being a parent" OMG what a complete and UTTER BASTARD!

Something that INCENSED me today and has annoyed me from the get go ... Jax keeping Baby John's paternity from Nikolas ... Carly just about had me wanting to slap her today.  I love Carly, I think that LW is doing  a GREAT job as Carly, better than TB IMO but OMG I just wanted to HIT HER!

I do not care if Jax did it out of love, which I doubt were his original motives although him being constricted does make me not hate him, specially since he eventually told the truth.  However HOW DARE she stand there and be so High and Mighty about Nikolas being upset about being kept in the dark that he was John's father? What if Nikolas had done that to Jax? Would Jax feel accomodating to Nikolas? Would he say, "Oh gee Nikolas, you were protecting John and it came from a loving place in your heart, I don't mind that you lied to me and kept me away from the first few months of my first child's life, hey, it happens! Want a drink?"

Robin needed to slap her ... JAX turned John's life upside down when he decided to proclaim himself that child's father, not Robin, but Jax and Carly helped him along when she found out and didn't tell Nikolas as her "Best Friend" and mother of the baby, wanted to do....

I can't stand Georgie ... I really can't ... I don't even understand why Dillon loves her spoiled ass ... I hate that she gets so defensive over nothing and then turns everything around on Dillon as if she's the perfect angel and has no fault over anything ... so annoying!

Now that all that bitchin' is behind me ... let's go on to what I am loving!

Liason ... Jason and Elizabeth ... and any Jasam fan that is watching the relationship that Jason and Elizabeth have, which is JUST a friendship at this time, and doesn't realize what is SERIOUSLY wrong with their couple, well then there is no hope for them.  Jason & Elizabeth have something that is very rare in a lot of GH relationships nowadays .. be it romantic or just platonic ... they are platonic .. they are both in love with their respective others but they completely and utterly trust each other and they trust that they can make the right decisions about their respective lives and the lives of the people that they love.  They support each other, not tear each other down or doubt each other.  They help each other, when one talks the other one actually LISTENS, they even joke around together.  Why? Because they are friendship, respect and loyalty there, they feel safe with each other and it shows.   I LOVE what the show is doing with them, for TOO long they kept these two wonderful characters apart, completely ignoring their history and their connection.  Why? Because if they put them together JIP would look even worse than it already did and Jasam well .. yeah ... I am enjoying everything about Jason and Elizabeth and it's not even romantic and I DON'T CARE THAT IT ISN'T ROMANTIC, that should tell you something.

Nikolas ... Tyler Christopher is simply amazing to me.  For a while they stuck him with Courteny(the kiss of death for the likes of Jason, Jax and then Nikolas) it was completely out of the blue and out of character for him ... but Nikolas is back ... This man, Tyler C. When he is on, he is just mesmerizing to watch .. when he cries, when he gets hurt(emotionally) onscreen you FEEL it.  It's in his eyes, in his face, in his movements ... I FEEL for him, I want to hug him and pummel the person who hurt him.  I still remember his emotional scenes with the mother that left him(the great Genie Francis) when he first came to GH, the scene with Mary when he got his memory back ... I liked Nem but for them to work, if the show ever goes back there in the future, they NEED to stop with the fantasy princely stuff because it's truly corney and TC does great stuff when he is doing REAL emotions and not fantasy themed crap ... Anyhow ... all this raving was about him finding out that little John was his son, poor guy ::hugs::

Sonny ... He is crashing harder and harder and it is like a train wreck that you can't take your eyes off you know? MB is doing a marvelous job and I think that it will get MUCH much worse before it gets better ... Ric is being a bastard but RH is such a great actor that I just cannot hate him, not even in the LiRic storyline when he tried to kill Liz  but couldn't do it cause he is/was truly messed up .. sigh ...

Manny rocks! He is a sick bastard and a monster, yes yes, but he is SO good! I mean it was just so easy and eerie how he was with little Kristina, FREAKY!

Okis .. after all that oooing and aaawing and grrrrring at the show I must say that TOMORROW is June 14th, 2006 .. why is this date significant? Well because it will be 12 years to the DAY that the Rangers won the Stanley Cup ...June 14th, 1994 .... the MOST GLORIOUS DAY EVER!  I even remember the time ... sigh ... on the weird/interesting side ... The Carolina Hurricanes can win their first EVER Stanley Cup tomorrow .. how funky is that? I want them to win, I love Brind'Amour and well Cam Ward has been CAMTASTIC and you can't cheer agaisnt Mike Commodore's hair and Glen Wesley hasn't won the cup ever and he has played for 18 years and I could go on and on ... I want to see that big SHINNY Silver Cup being skated around tomorrow by a bunch of grown men SO GIDDY that you'd think that they were 12 yr olds *teehee*  NBC 8:00 PM

victory, rant, stanley cup, general hospital, playoffs, anniversary, hockey, ny rangers, rave

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