I interrupt my latest entry for a GA Fangirl Analysis ...

Mar 10, 2006 20:02

Okis, I couldn't resist and when I read his comments I HAD To post them because they SO Echo what I was also thinking but didn't want to say outloud because I love George and he well ...

This was a quote from the actor who plays George on "Grey's Anatomy" about the George/Meredith Sex(icky) :

George himself, T.R. Knight, (who, by the way, has been hiding what looks like a new haircut now for a month--not sure why!) had this to say on the subject: "What I liked about it was...the touching. [Laughs] No, I just liked that George acted on something primal, but also, it wasn't just a 'poor George' moment. It's like George, yes, has loved her since the start, but he also hasn't been listening to her since the start, or he would have known she didn't love him. So, it's not that Meredith's bad. It's, like, he had a responsibility, too, and he didn't do it." - Excerpt from EOnline.

I have to say that I COMPLETELY agree with him on this and it is part of the reason why I was so annoyed with Izzie over her encouragement of George to ask Meredith out, if anything had I been in Izzie's position as a friend to BOTH I would've been, "Look George, I love you and Meredith loves you but she doesn't love you like you want her to, you HAVE to know that, and if anything happens between you then you will just be the rebound guy, and it will end up badly for you."  Harsh? Maybe, but it would've avoided the whole mess that happened afterwards ... He himself is not a child, he isn't an idiot... Sure he's a sensitive guy but how can he NOT KNOW Meredith and that she just wasn't really interested in him that way? He HAD to know but didn't want to see it.  Meredith NEVER gave him mixed signals, never(Up until he went into her room that fateful night as she was feeling horrible) showed one bit of anything to give him hope that anything romantic would ever happen between them or that she would ever want it to happen ... Do not get me wrong here, I am not saying that Meredith is blameless but laying it all on her is unfair.  George had a responsibility, I am not saying that he took advantage of her vulnarability that night, heck, he didn't know what she had gone through that night and how messed up she was feeling.  However, he should've stopped and asked her if she was sure she wanted to do what they were about to do, because it seems to me that once she started taking his clothes off that they didn't stop to think or talk until they were in bed and it finally hit her that she didn't want to be with him .... Of course, he's a guy and why would he ask when the girl he has loved finally gives in to him but it should've given him pause because he knows she still loves Derek, how could he not know?

Sigh, I just think that the fallout from this will continue all season long ... I was also reading that the fans who do not like Meredith think that she is too whiney and messed up and that fans don't like her because the producers didn't let the fans get to know her better and understand why she's messed up .. I totally disagree but I can see where some people who haven't experienced what Meredith has would react that way ... let's take 
claudiadaniela for example, now Clau has NEVER talked bad about Meredith to me, I just want to make that sure lol .... But she was perplexed as to why Meredith reacted so badly after her "visit" with her father and why that would've made her so unhappy and sad ...  I explained to Clau it was because Meredith has, deep down, always felt like there was something wrong with her and that is why her father left her and didn't try to stay in her life all those years, that when she found out that her mother had cheated and that had been the driving force for her father leaving that it gave her some hope that perhaps it wasn't anything that she did that drove him away, that he still loved her but as she went to him and gave him the opportunity to tell her why he left her, why he didn't fight for her, perhaps gave him the opening to get back into her life he was an insensitive bastard who seemed completely oblivious to her pain over his abandoment ... I related right away without having a whole background being layed out for me because I am a child of divorced parents, and while I do not believe that it was anything that I did that caused this I can and do relate to Meredith and how that has affected her as a person and how it affected her in that episode ... So my point is that fans that haven't experienced, or know people who experienced the things that Meredith has gone through just can't relate to her unless her whole background is layed out .. I think that the show has done a marvelous show of showing us bits and pieces ... Meredith's breakdown after that old lady died and she hyperventilated because she was thinking about her mother dying, and Derek was there for her .. I read that some fans thought she was over-reacting but I think they say that because they have never had a parent or a beloved relative or friend just waste away and die like that ... It's horrible, and not something anyone should live through, so her reaction was perfectly warranted ...

I don't know, I am not here to be Meredith's defender but I have understood her from season 1 and this season, the way that she is and why she is that way, becomes clearer and clearer and thus I sympathize ... Is she wrong with some of the decisions she makes? DEFENITELY but I still understands why she does the things she does ....

Ok, getting off my GA soapbox here .... hehe

So umm, yeah, that was all folks ...

grey's anatomy, fangirlishness, analysis, tv show

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