Mar 10, 2006 18:46
Well, I have felt blah and whatever and lazy all week and TIRED! I have been SO tired that I haven't wanted to be online to do much of anything ... Couple that with a mostly boring Oscars, no new GA due to them and my team losing 2 games plus a 3rd in a shootout does not a happy Matty make ... Yeppers, but It's a new week to my way of thinking, my team did a wonderful(at least I think so) trade yesterday that should REALLY help their power play and GA is back with a brand new epi this Sunday, so as long as my team wins it's two games this weekend(Saturday and Sunday) all will be right with the world.
I am a bit annoyed, remember the wonderful T-Shirt I had ordered for the hockey game that I am going to later this month? Well, it says in the mail tracking thingie that it was delivered to me but I never got it, so NHL.Com is investigating it and if they cannot find the shipment they will credit my account which is all fine and good but I don't think I will be able to get it in time for the game now and I am really PO'd over that little detail. Sigh.....
But on the upswing I won another $50 Gift Certificate for Best Buy and a $25 Gift Certificate for Chili's(Could've been Applebee's but Chili's is closer to where I live) So that makes me happy. I should get them next week ...
I also bought this week the GoF DVD, the Special Edition 2 Disc set, I noticed a regular edition and immediately wondered, WHO as an HP fan would buy the regular edition without all the extras which include a wonderful array of deleted scenes and cast interviews??? WHO??? I mean, sure, just having the movie is nice but I don't want JUST the movie. I buy DVD's for the extras, not just because I love the film but because I love the extras ... Case in point, I love the film's "Black Hawk Down", "Gladiator" and "The Lord of the Rings Trilogies"(Particularly the extended editions but even the theatrical edition dvd's are great) all these films DVD's have something in common, which is that they have GREAT extras ... The BHD dvd has about a 2 hr making of the movie thingie with a special 30 min look at actor's boot camp, and then several other extras on the making of the film and the music for the film .... They also have 3 different 1 hr documentaries on what happened in Mongadishu and why it happened from the PBS and The History Channel .... the Gladiator DVD has a 1 hr look from the History Channel at Gladiator contests in Ancient Rome, plus over 5 hours of movie extras which include casts interviews, making of features and even an actor's diary ... And It would take me forever to list all of what the extended and regular edition dvd's of LOTR have but they are packed .. I love this! I mean I think that it is SO cheap when studios put out there really pathetic DVD's and then about 6 months to a year later put out a special edition dvd so that people would spend more $$$ and then they wonder why people illegally burn movies ... I mean, put all your good stuff on your first release, unless it's a series where more films will be made there is no reason to put a new film out on a crappy dvd and then turn around and a few months later release a better dvd with more extras ...
Okis, anyhow ... the GoF dvd is very good, I will see the film tomorrow, because today I just watched the Extras ..