"I'm not a nice person" - Cristina

Feb 27, 2006 20:37

Yes, he is cute. Yes, he is as nice as he seems on TV. Yes, we all want to lick him inappropriately. - Shonda(GA Creator & SUPER-GENIOUS) on actor Kyle Chandler who played Dylan in the Superbowl epi, you know the one ... She cracks me up because you know ... That is THE prevailing thought that goes through my head when I see a man that is just so HOT that you want to lick him and honestly, what licking isn't inappropriate unless he's your man? lol ...

But back to this licking thing .. I have a list, oh yes I do, of certain people I want to lick ... But I fear is too long to list ... Henrik Lundqvist, Jaromir Jagr, Patrick Dempsy, Keifer Sutherland, Eric Bana, and let me stop there before I lose my head ...

Anyhow another AWESOME post by a GA Writer ... These women READ MY THOUGHTS and she is SO on the money on why I am still on Meredith's side in all of this ..
Follow the magical cut

I just want to say that I love George, I do and I hate that he is hurting but like in the latest blog entry I think that this will be the push that George needed to actually become his own person, emotionally .... He is wonderful but he was stuck in this "I Love Meredith Zone" that he was never going to move from .. Forward or backward ... I hate that in order for him to move forward he had to go through this but I think move forward he will ...

Now I want to highlight my favorite points of the blog ... About "The Mer/George Sex"(I just involuntarily shuddered with ickyness)

It’s happened. It happened. IT HAPPENS, y’all. People have sex with inappropriate people. People hurt their friends. People make decisions they regret the morning after. People do terrible things. Because in the end, we’re all just people. Flawed, confused, irrational, hopeful, looking-for-happiness-and-hoping-we’ll-find-it people trying to figure out our lives one day at a time.  As characters, Meredith and George are no different.
There’s no turning back. There’s nothing George and Meredith can do. The damage is done - things will never be the same. They’ve just changed something important in their lives FOREVER and…  they are freaking out.

The important thing to remember, though - is that while Meredith wishes things could go back to the way they were before the sex… (the way, I think, most of us have felt - or would feel - in similar situations…) George does not. And that’s huge.  Because… before the sex - George was in limbo. But after the sex? As painful as the outcome was - he’s suddenly not. George knows exactly where he stands. There’s finally some closure. And that’s a good thing. It’s what will fuel him through the rest of the season…

This is what I love about these writers ... gah, EXACTLY what I was thinking in this epi and the one before it and why all the Meredith Haters are just that, haters ... Meredith isn't satan or whiney just because .. Meredith is human, a very human character on a tv show and sometimes looking at a human character on a tv show isn't easy to see because we are so used to shows like these(although GA isn't like any show out there right now) backing off and making things right in a short amount of time .. This show is very real in the human interactions and I just love it so ...

Alrighty ... I just had to share all of that lol ..

grey's anatomy, commentary, tv shows

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