Jun 08, 2007 02:53
i get stoned every night now.
and i think, and i smile
but its not the same thinking and smiling it used to be
The boy just doesnt understand when i say i dont want to be stoned all the time.
that its not the same.
Theres nothing like being baked with sam and nathaniel and dougie
nothing can replace that time.
and it doesnt feel wright without them.
something is missing.
the boy isnt sper cool when stoned infact hes SUPER anoying.
he cant drive when stoned so i always fear for my life.
and he wants to eat tooooo much.
i just want to be stoed and sit there and just talk about random shit
or talk without talking
i want to be free when im high
it's one year in about 3 weeks.
and im so scared this isnt what i want anymore.
i mean it is but you know i always second guess everything.
but there is so much glamour in being single and doing what i want.
i want a bottl of wie,some weed and a stack of film (movies, cameras whatever)
i want a car that doesnt have 202,500 miles on it so i can take a vacation
i want money to fall out of the sky
i dont want fear to rule my life anymore
i dont want anger or sadness or desire or anything else to rule my life
except for love
love of life and freedom and happiness which,i dont feel like i have.
i miss you sam and nathaniel and dougie and jared and mary andte city of charlotte,heres to you kid