New Hurr, Don't Curr

Jan 27, 2011 01:17

According to several of my facebook friends (well, most of them are my relatives) this photo is scary. Oh well. I got sis twists done by the lady who always does my sister's hair. It took around eight hours. Because I'm terribly tender-headed, most of this was spent with me squirming in the chair in agony. How dreadful.

I feel like there was something else I wanted to blog about. I have forgotten. Oh well, it'll come to me eventually - I should update this blog more often, anyway. Here's the state of my life, which is "tl;dr". I think I'm having a moment.

School is going pretty well, although I'm crazy busy. The Foundation Design class I'm taking is very interesting but there's a nonstop flow of assignments (I had one due today...I have something due Monday, something due Wednesday...stuff due next week...). Plus, there's the Community Engagement Experience which I'm still planning. I'm still trying to get a handle on my blog posts. I've been riding the struggle bus in regards to that, but I have posts forthcoming. I'm also working for a site that is due to launch soon, so more details on that later!

The work has taken a toll on my room and it is almost to the point where I can hardly navigate without tripping. I hope to solve this problem soon.

I'm also still researching potential internships. I saw one that is in India (!) that I really want to apply for, but I'm scared. I still think I will, though. Just in case. You never know. I'm also looking into alternate housing for next year. I think I have a great chance of being re-hired as an RA, but I'm starting to get sick of my job. I love my residents, but the bureaucratic aspect is beginning to drive me nuts. I'm starting to weigh whether or not free housing is worth it. On the one hand - hello, free room and board, on the other hand, should I really be starting the habit of sticking with a job I'm slowly starting to despise because it's financially convenient? At twenty? Maybe I'm making this out to be more dramatic than it is, but I feel like I've "let loose" a lot more this past year, even as my workload's gotten harder. At the same time, I've found some things to be harder to tolerate. This job being one of them.

The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl. I'm not pissed, but I'm not excited, since they beat the Ravens. Either way, there's probably going to be a riot if they win (surprise surprise) which I'm not looking forward to. When I was a freshman, I was super hyped, now, I know I'd rather sit inside and NOT have my hands frozen off while people destroy public (and private) property. I mean, how different could it be from the last time?

I have a craving for grilled cheese for charity. However, if the line is out the door (like it has been for the last two weeks!), I am giving up, at least for now. Even though pizza grilled cheese is delicious. Speaking of my gluttony, almond fruit dip is delicious.

My hard drive failed and now I have a new one. With the re-installation of Windows 7, I renamed my laptop from "The Crimson Chin" to "Arcanine". I was going to name it Charizard, because the lovely soul (my friend Jess) who let me borrow her laptop for a few days named hers Blastoise, but that was too referential, plus my laptop is red and Charizard is orange.

My shopping detox is going well - I've given it up until after this semester is up. I've had some moments where I coveted certain articles of clothing or longed for pieces that would "complete" my wardrobe but I get over those moments quickly. I can hardly remember what most of these pieces are. I do know that I'm not counting things like tights, which I plan on getting from We Love Colors soon, since the cheap-o ones from CVS do not cut it at all. I didn't realize how necessary tights were.

I am flying home Feb 10th to spend Valentine's Day with Ian. Honestly, I'm too busy to be excited. But I think our relationship has benefited from him moving to Georgia - I think he feels like he has his own life now, instead of staying in our hometown while I build a home-away-from-home in Pittsburgh. I can't wait to see him, and of course, my parents and of course, my darling Elise (BFF). I can't wait. Well, I can, only because I have a some assignments and midterms standing between me and Columbia, MD.

Lastly, I hate you all for getting me into so much television. I'm watching more television than I have in recent memory, though it's always sporadic because of classes and homework. I'm currently kind of keeping up with:

-The Fashion Show (just ended)
-The Vampire Diaries (if you can call watching Bonnie's scenes only "keeping up")
-Shameless (US Version)
-Modern Family
-Dexter (sort of. Ian and I resolved to watch separately since we haven't been doing much catching up when we're together but that hasn't really happened.)
-Archer, when it comes back (I have advance copy DVDs! But I left them at home. Oh well, I won't have time to watch them anyway)
-RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE - I wanted to watch Ep 1 tonight, but I realized I wouldn't finish it before I had to go to sleep. Oh well, maybe this weekend. I refuse to get into anything else, even though I loved the episode of Community that I watched.

A - ACCENT: Northeastern English. I have a Virginian accent around family. I refuse to believe I have picked up any sort of Pittsburghese or Yinzer English.

B - BREAST SIZE: 34D, last I checked

C - CHORE YOU HATE: Loading the dishwasher

D - DAD'S NAME: Michael. It's the one he goes by, at least.

E - ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: Rimmel Lash Accelerator mascara. I don't wear much make-up though.



H - HOMETOWN: Elkridge

I - INSOMNIA: Not to the extent where I'd call it that.

J - JOB TITLE: Student/Resident Assistant

K - KIDS: I love kids, but I have trouble letting loose enough to be "goofy" enough for them to really like me, except for those precocious types that think they're smarter than all of the other kids their age. They think I'm a weird old person and I laugh at them. I like those kids. I also like the ones too young to talk.

L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: I live in a dorm.


N - NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: I...haven't kept track...

O - OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Other than when I was born, never.

P - PHOBIA: I don't really have any anymore. The costume character thing is hilarious to tell people but not that serious. I hate insects that crawl though.

Q - QUEST: Travel to Southeast Asia. Get a job that I love. Get this blogging thing under control. Cultivate wonderful, fulfilling relationships.


S - SIBLINGS: Older sister, younger brother.

T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: 10ish. I'm trying to work to 9 and then 830 again. It used to be 7, but it used to be bright at sunny at 7am, too.


V - VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Brussels sprouts.

W - WORST HABIT: Procrastination.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: CT Scan on my abdomen this past summer, scan of my mouth before my wisdom teeth were taken out

Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: Plenty. I don't want to think about it. I'm hungry.

Z - ZANY QUIRK: Idk. I talk to myself all the time. My thumb bends to a 90 degree angle.

Wow. I think my wrists are starting to hurt.

tara, life

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