May 22, 2010 17:41
A man named Sir William Osler said, "Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day's work absorb your entire energies, and satisfy your widest ambition."
I will tell you something about myself that will probably lead you to judge me and then subsequently think that I'm a freak. I never believed in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny or anything like that. My parents never encouraged it because I grew up being Born Again (which I would like to explain is the wrong way to use the term - but I digress) and the major holidays that involved these iconic characters were revealed to me as stories from the Bible, and no, Easter is not about some bunny that hides chocolate eggs in the ground. (The tooth fairy I found out by myself. My parents never talked about it but I would hear about it on TV and in the movies. So I tried it one time without telling my parents. I woke up and the tooth was still there, no money. Hence I knew it was boohockey. Anyway.)
Well, the reason I'm telling you about this is because I was speaking with a kabarkada of mine and she found it so crazy that I never believed in any of these things. Is it really that weird? I don't know. I mean, sometimes when I watch Christmas movies about the magic that is the man called Santa Clause, I can't help but feel a little bit like I missed something. But in the end, I'm okay with it. I'd rather have Santa as a great character that I've always liked, rather than a dream that I once had that was crushed by reality.
A lot of people are asking me why I'm doing what I'm doing now. If you must know, I'm a writer by profession, but that sounds much cooler than it actually is. There was actually a lot of thinking that went into this, albeit my parents may think I went about it all spur-of-the-moment like. Not even. For once in my life I actually have a semblance of a goal for my future, and I knew that there were some things that I need to do in order to get there. Let's just say taking pictures of my backyard isn't going to get me to the lovely canals of Venice. So I went and did something about it. I got a job that's got me writing 8 hours a day, and it's actually gotten my mind working in ways that it hasn't run in years. I still shoot as much as I can, and I'm actually saving up for money to do all the shoots that I have plans for.
I was given a reality check. I kept saying I wanted to do this and I wanted to do that, but I never really went out and did anything about it. So this is me doing something about the fact that I'm so far from what I really want to be. It's one path, I don't know if it's the right one, but one thing I know for sure: I'm on my way.