Venus and Mars

Oct 22, 2017 21:55

10/16/17 - MONDAY - Road to self care

I took the headband I had wrapped around my arm as a brace off and told my nurse co-worker I think I hurt my wrist. 'How long has it been hurting?' she asked. About 'Three Week'... I was afraid I had carpal tunnel and didn't wanted to stop working cause I feel like I have to handle so much stuff...
... She adjusted and massage my hand and I already feel I'm on the road to recovery ... I have scheduled a follow up and I plan to take better care of me...

10/17/17 - TUESDAY - Let's see how this goes

I feel my hope dwindling ... We have new CAN an he seem good but yet I fear what fresh hell he will bring to my work and home care schedule... I still try to figure out what rabbit I will pull out of my hat when it all falls apart. I should take a sigh of relief about being fully staffed yet I feel like I all hold my breath in preparation to be pulled down in a sea of misery ...

10/18/17 - WEDNESDAY - Have to have faith in magic

I did dinner with the Pagan meet up group and my friend Rev. Joey .. I want to have faith in magic ... I want to believe it will be all alright ... I want to cast spells to fix the problems I can't or people won't let me get enough information to see if I can help... I want to have positive thoughts save the day... But sometimes dark reality gets in my way... But still I believe....

10/19/17 - THURSDAY - Me too

I did drinks with a friend and talked a lot about boundary and consent ... What it means to say no and when it isn't listened to what that makes us fell like ....and what it means to fight with people of power ... We talked about the power of everyone sharing their stories ... If we all call someone out - our collective voice is actually heard ... We talked about how silence can hurt us ... And the truth can set us free ...

10/20/17 - FRIDAY - Home Maker

So, my job title is still Home Maker despite they year of my job changing and me learning new skills, studying and working hard ... I do a lot more then the original job description I started with... And while on Monday I am going to sit down with my boss and redesign my job description - I will still have the title Home Maker.... Which is strange as my job is becoming less Merry Maid and full of other administrative things ... And am far from Donna Reed....
... I have been stage mother, den mother, station mother for many a group & community and I have broken up bar fights, calmed crying people, and given guidance and even drunk, sad, injured, crazy myself - have often be the caring voice of reason ... I am trying to try to bring together the title Home Maker and the idea of being a community mom and my job description... So come Monday we will see...

10/21/17 - SATURDAY -Rest in Power

I went to am memorial for a woman, who annoyed me most of the time - she was very pushy with me and never listened to me when I tried to help her... She was a bit abrasive .... But while listening people talk about her - I suddenly wish I knew her better ... Or at least knew her as the person other people knew her as .... She seemed so kick ass the way people talked about her..

10/22/17 - SUNDAY - Men are weird

I had a talk with a friend that showed me how differently men and woman communicate and perceive life and love and stuff...
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