So, I made mention of missing Putty in that last post.
I should explain.
Putty died in April - about the 23rd I think- Go figure Putty was a conspiracy theorist and he didn't even know it.
He was only 6, he had no health issues that we knew of , and well, if anyone were to know it would have been us.
What happened is this-
I was sitting in my chair and Kris was on the couch we were getting ready to go somewhere, I heard a thud and a thump and saw him stumble out of the litter box and into the doorway of the library. He fell over and began to seizure. I ran across the room and Kris asked if it was Neuman - the diabetic - a logical assumption.He then ran ran to the kitchen -I presume to get valium - which of course we don't have. I ran to the car and by that point he'd gone limp, blue and agonal and I had to start CPR on the concrete in my driveway.
We only made it about 5 blocks before Kris and I decided it was a forgone conclusion that he was gone and there was nothing we ( or anyone else ) could do.
This took a grand total of maybe 2 minutes.
It seemed like 20.
I have never felt more useless as a pet owner, or a technician in my life.
I know full well there was nothing I could have done - even if I had been at work - he threw a clot to his brain and he went very quickly and was unaware of what had happened. He was pain free and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
But I will never doubt again when someone says that their cat was seizing for 5 minutes. Because that 30 second seizure seemed like 5 minutes while I was holding him.
So, Putty the suicidal kitty that licked outlets and went down the laundry shoot, Putty the Brave that defended me from the streaming pile of laundry that the dogs wouldn't face, Putty that licked the gel out of Kris' hair, Putty that met me at the back door every night, Putty that did not discriminate between dog and cat toys.... You are greatly missed.