desert always wins

Apr 07, 2014 18:03

municipality fixes you with
a supposition of restraint
like the billowing fog
and the limited color pallet

the juxtaposition of axioms and data
will not officiate your pariah
---instead you will have to
divine your boundaries to descend upland
to asset certain virtues basin
or water gives way to the desert and

desert always wins
---though you wander to lose yourself / find yourself
you've got a star map belly and accidentally packed
a thousand hummingbirds
into the echo chamber of your soft shell

you may think your visit
is an act of martyrdom
or a free show
for those who can't close their own eyes
and jump      then
in your weariness
catch an apparition of
a reflection pool

make no mistake
every action is voluntary
and your spirit animal
has abandoned you
with good reason

in case of accidental heat death
break glass

all sound is a wave function
and though you may seem to shatter
at a pace near endless
some percussions are indivisible
and no event is a total horizon
all possibilities
are here now always
as the tinnitus hum of your old age
or the crickets at dusk
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