1) Another one of those slimy, smarmy televangelists has finally stopped polluting the collective unconscious with his presence. God has finally decided to give us a break and has
called Oral Roberts home. While he's not as viscerally vile as, say, Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell, he's done enough to sully the hearts and minds of America, and has done more than his fair share to contribute to the perception that being a serious Christian means you're a money-grubbing hypocrite. From his so-called "university" to his attempt to emotionally blackmail the people of the United States, Oral Roberts saw God as nothing more than a way to line his own pockets and increase his own power. Good riddance.
2) God has not yet smiled upon us fully, because Joe Lieberman has not yet been abducted by a pack of Appalachian hillbillies. As I'm sure you all know, he's doing his level best to kill health-care reform in the Senate, for no other reason than he wants to stick it to the Democrats. Oh, and he comes from a state whose capital is known as The Insurance Capital of America. Which tells you a lot about how exciting Hartford is. The thing is, if Lieberman had a consistent, well thought-out objection to public health care that made sense, then it wouldn't be as bad. But
his reasoning keeps changing, and each time he gives a new reason to oppose any kind of public health care, it makes less sense than the one before.
The current lead theory is that while Lieberman is certainly standing by his core supporters - the insurance companies - he's also just trying to be a dick. He got screwed out of the vice-Presidency back in 2000 and got soundly rejected by his own party in 2006. Despite the Public Option
having definite support in all five of Connecticut's congressional districts, he's stonewalling. I think it's high time the Democrats hand him his head, at least before the voters do in '12.
3) While God may not be smiling, we at least have a clown to laugh at - Glenn Beck. It's really easy to take shots at Beck, but when has that ever stopped good-natured mockery before? I came across
this article over on Think Progress about how Glenn justified the Founding Fathers' decision to put the three-fifths clause into the Constitution (any slave in a state counted as three-fifths of a person when considering Congressional representation). In the jiggling Jell-O mold that is his brain, Beck came up with this rationale for what is one of the few obvious stains in an otherwise wonderful document:CALLER: I notice you reference the founding fathers a lot, and to me it’s kind of offensive because most of those guys were slave owners, the Constitution that they wrote up - they didn’t even recognize my people as even human. [...]
BECK: That is a common misconception. … Do you know who wanted slaves to be counted as a full person? … Slave owners. … The reason why they wanted that is because of the balance of power. The South could control the numbers in Congress. Their representation would go through the roof. … That’s why, in the Constitution, African-Americans were deemed three-fifths people, because the Founders wanted to end slavery and they knew if the South could count slaves as full individuals you would never get the control to be able to abolish it.
You see?? They counted slaves as sub-human in order to end slavery! And the Founders were stalwart against the South! Even the ones from Virginia! Who owned slaves!
Trying to get Beck to admit that he's a liar is a hopeless cause, and calling him to task for it is like making the sun answer for being hot. Whether he's an honest ideologue or a mendacious huckster, nothing that comes from the gaping maw in his head should be taken seriously by anyone. He is, however, an endless sort of amusement. If by "amusement" you mean the kind where you laugh and laugh and you can't stop laughing because if you stop laughing the murderthoughts in your meatbrain will grab you by the scrotum and force you to take the fireplace poker and kill kill KILL KILL KI-