I can has cookies!

Oct 28, 2007 15:54

The Mad Baker
Originally uploaded by MShades. Yes, the new multi-oven I got works like a charm. The Boyfriend came over to enjoy my day off and we made my first-ever batch of chocolate chip cookies. He did all the mixing, and did it very well, too. I baked, a trial-and-error process that ended up working well.

The first batch was a mega-cookie - undercooked, huge and stuck to the tinfoil:

I learned quickly after that, though - smaller lumps of dough on the oven plate, ungreased, proved to work just fine.

The bottoms don't look like I remember - they kind of look like muffin-tops. Any bakers out there want to tell me why?

Still, they all taste great. First baking project - success. Next? Hmmm....
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