Feb 03, 2006 15:27
I think my iPod is screwing with my computer. For the last few days the thing has been glitchy and generally irritating - asking me to run the updater, and then just idling there, doing nothing. And gods help me if I try to eject the thing via the desktop explorer.... Recently I've been getting this thing where I try to play a video or copy files and the computer just puts its head in its hands and cries for a while. Or wanders off to play canasta, or something, and I have to reboot the thing by way of the power button, since the machine won't let me use anything else.... And when it reboots? It'll just sit there with the desktop picture for about two minutes, humming to itself, and then it looks at me like, "Oh, did you... Did you want to use me? Oh, so sorry, here's all your icons and things."
*sigh* Do you think I anthropomorphize too much?
Thank all the gods there are that I got a 100 gigabyte external drive. Expensive, but with my track record on computers, worth it.... As soon as everything is backed up, I'll run a RAM test and see what's what. The Pod is unplugged now, and all is smooth sailing....
Any Pod People out there who know what might be going on?