weeping over advertisements

Jul 20, 2008 20:36

A little while back I posted about how we all have songs that make us weep, and how sometimes you really need those songs. svilleficrecs's choice of song reminded me that sometimes it's a combination of images and music that really stir the emotion, and tonight I had another reminder.

The following advert is for a Telco company that I basically despise - it's an Australian tradition to despise them, in fact. *g* They're using a wonderful song called "I am Australian" which was written by Bruce Woodley from The Seekers to promote their sponsorship of the 2008 Olympic Games. It's not the first time they've used the song, but it's their first advert (released a few years ago) that never fails to bring me to tears.

image Click to view

I don't care how much I hate this company, or how much I'm letting them play me like the sucker I am. Watching that grandmother listening to her grandchild's cry over the telephone for the first time just made me bawl like a baby myself. I don't go around waving an Australian flag either, but wow, this song combined with these images just makes me go all emotional and weepy.


Time for a stiff drink and an early night, I think, lol!
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