It tastes like burning.

Dec 10, 2007 20:50

I did two things tonight. I made tacos for dinner tonight - beef and bean tacos to be exact - and I checked out the hotel in the city where we've decided to stay on New Year's Eve so we can watch the amazing fireworks and get a bit tipsy and not have to wait three hours for a taxi home ( Read more... )

hot!, real life, tacos

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mikoki December 10 2007, 11:51:52 UTC

Hihi, darling, I’m feeling you, really!

*snickers* But that hubbie of you IS kinda funny, you have to admit!

Those boys of ours can do crazy things when it comes to playing house, uh.

Mine cooks more or less one time every fortnight, and he’s always really really pleased and excited when he’s done it. He even texts me when he has cooked dinner, in this really dorky but totally adorable way, like he’s spent hours sweating in the kitchen. When I get home I always expect a four course gala-dinner, but it turns out to be crackers with some cheese on it, soup out of the can, a bag of pre-cut vegetables mixed in with rise and a veggieburger, and a jar of B&J’s.

Hokeeeeeee *raises eyebrows* IT IS a four course meal, one you can make in 5 minutes. But he’s always really proud of himself, especially his veggie-rise mix (hehe, those pre-cut veggies are so much work), because he knows how to defrost them!!!! Adorkable would be the understatement.

Once I came home and he was super-siked because he’d cleaned the apartment, he even gave me a tour. Later that night I was frantically searching ‘Joske’ my cellphone (I lose him constantly). Tomas was hanging out the laundry while boasting how good of a man he was, having washed the dirty clothes ALL by himself. I was freaking out, because I had to make a call, you know which kind of freaking out, the kind where all the sofa cushions are already on the floor and you leave a trail of rubble in the apartment searching for it. Suddenly I stopped, because there could only be one place left: the pocket of my jeans! At the very same time I heard this “Poesie, you’re such a lucky woman, having caught ME! Really look at this, all by mysel…” and then a very very sheepish ‘OOPS’ from behind the laundry rack. I didn’t even have to look his way to know what had happened. I swear I was like oops, OOPS, what do you mean oops?!!

He hadn’t checked the pockets of the trousers he had washed, and …euh…well… does RIP Joske say enough!!
We also found notes, and money in the other trousers.

After that I absolutely forbade him to come near the washing machine, ever again!!! And God, I just realised, this could all have been a very sneaky plan of him to get out of laundry-duty!!! BASTARD!

Hihi, no, I love him, and he really does his best, a couple of drowned cellphones, shrunk T-shirts and overcoocked veggies aside, I can’t complain at all! He’s kinda a ‘new man’ or how do you call it.

Anyhow, I hope your tongue is feeling better already, and if not I send you lots of ‘wenty-love-juice’ (a.k.a any kind of liquid that can be extract from Le Pretty’s body. You choose which one *wiggles eyebrows*) to soothe your burned tongue.

Xxx Mikey


Ps: The icon suggests I'm still on your tail for the Wesah-porn! DON'T COOK, WOMAN! your hubbie can do that just fine, WRITE ME PORN instead!!!!! (you must really think I'm obsessed uh? I won't deny it *shrugs sheepishly*


msgenevieve December 10 2007, 12:36:29 UTC
Mine has never once put my mobile phone through the wash, so I guess I should be grateful. He *has* put through loads of 'black' laundry with tissues still in the pockets of his jeans and put white fluff all over my clothes, though. *glowers*

I will keep busy writing that little NC-17 story only if you promise never to use the word 'Wesah' on my LJ ever again. *g*


mikoki December 10 2007, 12:47:26 UTC
Aye Aye Captain!! *salutes*

I guess Misa makes you cringe too?


msgenevieve December 11 2007, 12:27:14 UTC
How did you guess?

*points to icon*

Heh. I am not a fan of 'schmooshed' pairing names, no.


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