It tastes like burning.

Dec 10, 2007 20:50

I did two things tonight. I made tacos for dinner tonight - beef and bean tacos to be exact - and I checked out the hotel in the city where we've decided to stay on New Year's Eve so we can watch the amazing fireworks and get a bit tipsy and not have to wait three hours for a taxi home.

While I was doing the whole 'booking the hotel' thing online, my husband asked if there was anything else that needed doing re dinner. I told him to taste the beef and bean stuff and chuck in some jalapenos. Ten minutes later, our lovely hotel room is booked and I'm back in the kitchen, taking a tiny spoonful of the beef and bean stuff to see if it needs anything else.

And I almost die.

Tongue on fire, eyes watering, lips stinging.

I take the closer look at the pan that I should have taken before I took that little bite, because there are as many bits of chopped jalapeno in that pan as there are beans. Okay, I think. A little overkill, lots of jalapenos, but not enough to account of the OMG MY MOUTH IS DYING!!! feeling I'm experiencing.

And then I see the empty jalapeno jar in the kitchen rubbish bin.

"Uh," I say when I can finally speak. "Did you pour in the brine as well, did you?"

He looks at me. "Yeah, why?"


This man has heard me say many, many times that the brine in the jalapeno jar is straight from Satan's bottom and is not to be trusted and that it's far too hot for me. Mildly cranky words were then exchanged, then I got more sour cream out of the fridge, because I was going to need it.

And people wonder why I do most of the cooking in our house, lol! My boy is many things, but he is not an instinctive cook.

The tacos were quite good, but two hours later? My tongue is still tingling, and NOT in a good way.

hot!, real life, tacos

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