Title:Finding Grace (1/1)
Fandom:Prison Break
Pairing:Sucre/Maricruz (one little spoiler for The Message)
Summary:Sometimes it's the most unexpected of surprises that help you see things more clearly.
Length: 100 words
Author's Note:Written for the
Daddy Drabbles Challenge, which is a lovely excuse to write the little Sucre plotbunny that's been rattling around in my head ever since I saw "The Message". Massive thanks to
sarah_scribbles for customising some of her fabulous artwork to create a matching icon for this drabble. *is not worthy*
“It’s a girl?” He stared at the squirming, glistening bundle resting on her chest. “But I thought-”
“I guess the first doctor was wrong.” The hand that had been crushing his fingers for the last two hours tightened around his once more. “Are you disappointed?” Her voice was thin with exhaustion, and he was instantly ashamed.
“Oh, baby, no, no, no.” His hand trembled as he gingerly touched one tiny ear. “She’s perfect.”
“We’ve never talked about girls’ names.”
Sucre gazed at his newborn daughter, then began to smile.
Find your girl, then find grace.
“I think I know one.”