Title: Raw (1/1) Fandom: Prison Break Character/s: Michael Length: 100 words Rating: G Summary: The broken skin never seems to heal. Author's Note: Written for foxriverinmate in the hopes of making her feel a little better. Hang in there!
I'm very, very moved by your contribution to Project: Lock Him Up! sweetheart. I'm so moved by everyone's kindness that I actually started to blubber a little while conversing with tearcreek in IM because I'm just so amazed and thrilled that there are so many of you wonderful ladies writing fics and drabbles for me! ♥
*regains composure* Oh dear!
And I love this one to bits!! Your idea that handcuffs are primitive and designed to cause pain is in direct contrast to Michael's noble character and I think that's why I love Michael/Cuffs and-or-chains so much!! You have that ugliness/beauty thing right here!! Perfect!
And the last line is almost heartbreaking!
Thank you, truly, for this little piece of loveliness and for your particapation and kind thoughts. With all this support I really am managing to hang in there!
I'm so very, very grateful, love! *hugs you tight*
It was my pleasure. I know we don't know each other very well, but there's nothing like trying times to bring people closer together. I really do hope RL starts easing up on you sooner rather than later. *hugs you*
I'm so glad you liked the drabble. I've been trying to find time to write something for you all week, and this afternoon I finally had some time and it was an honour to spend it thinking about Michael in handcuffs on your behalf. *g*
You're absolutely right. Trying times does being folks closer. I've certainly felt the closeness of people I barely knew through these fics and it's been so heart warming! And for the good wishes...*hugs you* Thank you very, very much, sweetheart.
I'm so glad you liked the drabble. I've been trying to find time to write something for you all week, and this afternoon I finally had some time and it was an honour to spend it thinking about Michael in handcuffs on your behalf. * I loved it!! ♥ And thank you for spending your valuable time writing it. It's me who's honoured!! And pleasantly surprised at how many people love their Michael with handcuffs!! ;)
Um... now that we are a little more acquainted would you mind if I friended you?
*regains composure* Oh dear!
And I love this one to bits!! Your idea that handcuffs are primitive and designed to cause pain is in direct contrast to Michael's noble character and I think that's why I love Michael/Cuffs and-or-chains so much!! You have that ugliness/beauty thing right here!! Perfect!
And the last line is almost heartbreaking!
Thank you, truly, for this little piece of loveliness and for your particapation and kind thoughts. With all this support I really am managing to hang in there!
I'm so very, very grateful, love!
*hugs you tight*
I'm so glad you liked the drabble. I've been trying to find time to write something for you all week, and this afternoon I finally had some time and it was an honour to spend it thinking about Michael in handcuffs on your behalf. *g*
I'm so glad you liked the drabble. I've been trying to find time to write something for you all week, and this afternoon I finally had some time and it was an honour to spend it thinking about Michael in handcuffs on your behalf. *
I loved it!! ♥ And thank you for spending your valuable time writing it. It's me who's honoured!! And pleasantly surprised at how many people love their Michael with handcuffs!! ;)
Um... now that we are a little more acquainted would you mind if I friended you?
Done, lol! *g*
Thanks, sweetheart!
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