i bet the juliet was just the icing on the cake.

Feb 20, 2010 20:50

work/career shit is bugging my mind.
i'm afraid that i'm leading myself in a direction that will lead me away from all the things that make me satisfied and grateful now. it's my time to choose my path and i'm ripped apart about it.
i have recently witnessed a complete unfold of 3 people in my life, but why am i still the one above the water? i don't deserve to be the one floating.
i have a list of things i must do now.
to the first i need to confess a guilt.
to the second.. well i'm not sure. i just hope he doesn't feel as though i have had any part in his problem.
to the third, i'd like to make myself more available.
there's a fourth actually, and for this person i lack words, but usually enough are spoken between us for me to "get it".

i'm worried that i'm going to fit into my own stereotype soon. i need a code. every woman needs a code.
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