I am Synergized

Oct 15, 2004 01:27

Thursday night valkyrias and I went downtown to 4731, a fairly new art gallery in Detroit for the October Detroit Synergy general meeting. Jen and I went to a Synergy event in the past to learn more about the group, but everyone knew each other and it was intimidating to mingle. This time, I am very happy to say that we found success and got the volunteering for stuff rolling!

I think there were about 35-40 people there at the meeting, and it was well-run. The gallery owner spoke about the building. It's an art gallery but he is working on leasing studio spaces upstairs to artist so they can work. The owner and a few other gallery owners nearby are trying to buy up buildings along Grand River for galleries, in hopes of turning the area into the arty side of town and maybe more businesses will come. Residents already have been thanking them for their neighborhood improvement.

On with the meeting. They went through recent projects, then new proposed projects, then had a break where you could talk to people. I hunted town denverguy81's friend Jordan, who runs SPANK!, a "flash-mob" awareness group. Matt and I went to their "Bubbles, Not Rubble" flash mob and had a great time. He was nice to talk to. Jen and I are thinking of planning a Supper Club event together for him in the future.

We also got signed up to help with Angel's Night watch. For those of you not from Detroit, read about "Devil's Night" HERE. Obviously I don't think it's good for Jen and I to drive the streets, looking for arsonists in the dark in bad neighborhoods (I don't wanna run over glass and get a flat and get jumped!), so we both volunteered for indoor duty... taking calls on the radios and phones from volunteers and the public on the Friday before Halloween. Over 40,000 do every Halloween and the number of arsons those 3 nights around Halloween are lower than on a typical Detroit night.

We talked to a woman there trying to get Synergy a needy family or two to help for Christmas through Focus Hope. Of course we signed up to help. I've been wanting to do that for years. Also talked to a guy about how to promote Synergy more. Maybe we could help, with our advertising backgrounds.

Synergy is doing a pub crawl on Saturday, the 23rd. For $20 you get a T-shirt and an all day People Mover pass and admission to 5 bars just off the People Mover track. Drink specials all around. AND it's the major fundraiser for Detroit Synergy's projects. So if you guys are free, please consider going down with us.

In other news... I was shocked to hear about Bill O'Reilly and the lawsuit one of his producers filed against him. I think the guy's a loudmouth with an ego the size of Montana, but now we find out he's also a mega perv that likes to get off with vibrators while he's sexually harrassing women on the phone. At least that's what the ALLEGATIONS say. Yecch. My boyfriend's media idols are turning out to be mega turds... first Rush Limbaugh, now O'Reilly...

I was gonna make a huge ass post on LJ about the presidential debates, but now I'm like, ehhhh, screw it. My opinions really didn't change of either man... They both kept repeating the same stuff. Some people on Fark.com were making a drinking game of it, drinking when they heard a cliche phrase. The candidates also kept throwing numbers back in each others' faces... God knows which ones are true and they give me a headache. Both presented well though, I must say, and I think Kerry kicked ass in the first two. I missed some parts of the 3rd debate because I was cooking dinner for Larry and Ron but in the 3rd, Chimpy McSmirkwinker (I didn't coin that phrase but it makes me laugh) picked up the lead with his anger and energy.I still don't like either of them but I'm still leaning toward Kerry. I really think this will be a close one, like last year. I am curious to see who wins, and I wish it were Nov. 2 tomorrow so we can put all this political mudslinging behind us. I am so politics-ed out right now I could scream. F the political ads and F what people say. I don't care. I'm tired of arguing. Politics blow. But factcheck.org has been intriguing me as of late...

Here, have some FUN with the newest from JibJab..."It's Good To Be In D.C."... if you haven't seen it already.
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