
Nov 11, 2012 04:30

Fandom- Gossip Girl
Pairing- Dan/Nate
Rating- PG
Word Count- 431
Prompt- Fo margottenenbaum ometimes the space between knowing what to do and actually doing it is a very short walk. Other times it is an impossible expanse.
Disclaimer- I don't own this! I'm just borrowing it for awhile.

He placed a plate of food in front of the teary eyed Vanessa as she pulled her unbuttoned pea green knitted sweater tighter around her, "I don't know what to do."
Dan quietly sits next to her while in his mind thinks of countless ways to try to make her feel better. But it's hard, every time his best friend would speak he'll lose his train of thought and suddenly the word useless will come up to portray how pathetic of a friend he was.
Who would have ever imagined Vanessa, the nice but tough girl he has known for years sounding fragile, scared, and so melancholy? Vanessa looked unrecognizable as well; her curly hair was messy and tangled, her beautiful light brown eyes were now tainted with salty tears, making them lose their warm vibrancy and her voice...
The odds were turning against him. You should have seen him; you would never imagine the infamous Lonely Boy that never knew when to shut up was now completely speechless.
Lucky for Dan the smell of a calzone he made for Vanessa was tempting and comforting all at the same time. Not only will it console her empty stomach but also her broken heart that was damaged by the second guy she has ever loved.
Finally Dan got the courage to speak, "Uh you know, upper east side grandparents can be more vicious than they seem to appear. Trust me I should know, I battled against one before and barely won."
The memories of the old Cece are still fresh in his memories as if the events occurred yesterday. Despite her tender age, underneath that wrinkled and botox deprived skin lied a deadly python who never lost her breath taking grip once her prey was lost in her entanglement. Before you knew it, it's becoming harder to breathe and while everyone else thinks of her as a harmless species, you are left alone to defend for your life when it's slowly being taken away from you.
"Nate needs to know what his grandfather is doing to him. Next thing you know he'll become like his father, another puppet for the Van der bilts to use whenever they want."
"You know it's not safe to interfere into people's affairs, especially family ones."
"I can't stand here and act like everything is okay when it's not. I'm his girlfriend Dan!"
Another moment of silence followed. Her hand covers her eyes, "Well I used to be."
Vanessa shuffled a bit in her chair when Dan's quiet demeanor was too hard to bear, "Gosh I'm hungry! Can you pass me the black pepper?"
It took Dan awhile to respond, "Uh yea, sure."

dan/nate, gossip girl, prompt

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