Aug 18, 2007 21:45
the extreme body performance art of the 3 foot Iliegni is something to truly behold, especially since this is the birthday of this community. Iliegni is not a mere baby, but maybe she'd be better off as one since her work is too mesmerizing for her own good! no nono, but it's great! just this morning, 9:42 am pacific standard time she had swollowed a very large boot, a lamp and a bugle. All of it was quite visible as her skin strechted over the divers shapes of these objects, very much like that of a snake swallowing its rodential prey. this afternoon she swallowed an anaconda which itself had swallowed a little boy by the name of Winston Carlisle. It was a sight seeing the fair Iliegni turn a pale green with some hints of brown underneath all that skin and kneeing, elbowing some pinky organs along the way. And if I don't update this in a long while, it's because I will have been swallowed by Illiegni tonight and won't be back for some time. Keep your bookmarks on the elusive sham art youtube community for a video of this erotically smashing scene.
sham art