In regards to fan fiction...

May 05, 2012 07:36

"The Avengers," "The Dark Knight Rises," Spiderman," etc.--

Just Hollywood's version of high end fan fic.  Some versions are okay, some surpass the original, and some are mediocre or worse.  But the bottom line?

It does indeed sell.

In other news, "The Avengers" was kickass.  My favorite player was The Hulk--pimp slapping anyone that came his way.  I also like how they made his body look more "realistic"--it was hairy with an imperfect six pack.  There was a bit of pudge there.  And Bruce Banner had to wear just about the most awful looking pants in the world.

Also, after seeing it, I finally got the relevance of the dude with the bow and arrow and the chick with the guns amongst a super soldier, a man in a flying, iron suit and two demi gods. Yep.

I wish to see it again.

Joss--ya did good.

movies, fandom

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