Get to know me with Random Questions Meme

Apr 10, 2012 19:30

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Well first, I only had the one...this "junior prom" thing never existed for me.  Anyway, he was the guy I had a crush on in the tail end of my grammar school years and kinda throughout high school.  Reminded me of The Rock...ahem.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Puppy love from first grade?  Yes.  Actual love?  ...No.  Not really.  Probably not a good idea if I did.

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Some watered down church wine when I was like ten or eleven.  When I was in eighth grade, my friend Shannon had a bar in her basement, and I made it my duty to take a sip from every bottle she had back there. Really hated the scotch--tasted like rubbing alcohol.  Anyway, didn't get drunk, and for a time, it helped to strengthen my constitution.

4. What was your FIRST job?
Ah, this takes me back to high a worker's permit (I think I was fifteen at the time) to work at my school during the summer for their "Clean & Green" program, which basically just hired students to clean the school all summer long.  I actually ended up not cleaning, and became one of the counselor's secretary, and spent the summer in his air conditioned office :P  Best job ever!

5. What was your FIRST car?
The first car I had at my disposal was my father's 15-year-old Ford Escort that I named George Burns because they both smoked a My mom bought me a used, black thunder bird after I graduated high school.  Had it for like a year before it crapped out.

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Um...this guy I used to date or whatever.

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
I actually had two--left my Christian school halfway through the year.  Can't recall her, when I transferred, I had Mrs. Bryant.  I liked her--she had fish and turtles in her classroom as pets.  I remember all of the teachers I had throughout grade school after that in ascending order: Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. O'Grady, Mrs. McMorris, Mrs. Cheers, Ms. Ferrence, Mr. Klein-Collins, Mrs. Mills.  Huzzah!  High school and college is trickier, but my homeroom teacher was Mrs....damn.  Can't fucking remember.  Favorite English teachers were Mrs. Brusek and Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Roppo for law...random names of nobody cares :p

9. Where did you go on your FIRST airplane ride?
Pretty sure it was Vegas, but I don't remember it.  I was like two.

10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
First best friend was Tina--from preschool to halfway through first grade.  I transferred and...ran into her around the time we were in third grade at the dentist office, and it mostly just felt awkward.  Haven't seen her since.  If I did, though, I think I'd recognize her.

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Excluding like, cousins (which...wasn't always fun.  My one cousin has a house full of snorers), probably my BFF Danielle when we were in like, fourth grade maybe?  Or it could have been my friend Etienne's all girl sleepover in the fourth grade.  That was weird.  They decided to play that game "suck and blow" with a piece of paper (which, me and this other girl passed on playing cause, eww), missing the part where there were supposed to be boys in this game and use a credit card, not a piece of paper. Oh, and her cousin Jill peed the bed.  Not the one I was in thank goodness.

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Never been in a wedding, actually.  The first time I was someone's date/the first time I went to one was when I was...19.

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Slap the snooze button :p

15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
I think it may have been Luther Vandross with my mom.  I remember thinking, "Bah, lame!" but man, did he blow me away.  I saw him again a couple of years later, and I'm glad she took me and gave me those great experiences.

16. FIRST tattoo?
Never had one.  Can't imagine getting something permanent like that on my body.  However, if I did, it would be like (or at least, in the fashion) of the one Angelina Jolie has on her back--the one that was used with like a little hammer and a nail by monks or something.  That way, it'd be so painful and up the anty on cool points that I'd have no desire to get another one ever.  It would also probably be about my mom in some form or fashion.

17. FIRST piercing?
My ears when I was 2.  I remember this quite vividly.  My mom took me to Carsons, and the lady in the makeup department put me in one of those high chairs, and she took something that looked like a gun, and aimed it at my head.  I don't think it hurt, but it was scary as hell.  She shot a gold ball into each ear, basically.

18. FIRST foreign country you went to?
Greece for Sotia's wedding in 2010.  Had a plane swap in France on the way back, but Greece is the only country I actually walked around in.

19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
"The Little Mermaid" when I was three.  I remember seeing it in the theatre with my mom, and being fairly excited about it.

20. When was your FIRST detention?
Probably in the seventh grade.  About half the class got caught doing a rating system.  The whole thing was so stupid--one guy insisted we put our names next to those we rated, then this other ding a ling threw the paper across the room right in front of the substitute.  Our teacher was so angry, and so many of the other teachers were "disappointed."  They gave us detention for a week. My mom just told me not to get caught next time :p

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Huh.  Never had one.  And frankly, I really don't want one...nope.  When I've lived alone in the past, I've enjoyed walking around my house naked, and I trust me not to steal my stuff or be nasty (i.e. leaving food out, not cleaning dishes, stopping up the toilet, etc.).

23. If you had one wish. What would it be?
$50 million dollars.  If that wasn't possible, perfect health for me, my mom, and the few other family members that need it.

24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
Man, so many things that I've already learned but not well.  Like gourmet cooking, French, and various dances.  I'd probably want to learn French first (and properly), and Latin just to make me feel smart.  I'd love to become a dancer--ballet, jazz, tap, and yes, pole.  My body would be kick ass.

25. Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage?
Never been asked.  Heh, what a fun question this was....

26. What was the first sport that you were involved in?
I have crap hand/eye coordination, but I took swim when I was like ten, and was on the volleyball team.  Wasn't good at jumping and spiking like they wanted...I blame my father's genes for that.  Shit load of athletes on my mom's side.  Dominant genes-it happens :p

27. What were the first lessons you ever took?
Swim classes.  It was important to my mom that I learn to swim and be a well rounded and non stereotypical individual.

28. What is the first thing you do when you get home?
Take off my coat and put on my comfy house clothes.

29. Who do you think will be the next person to post this?
No idea.  Maybe no one.

meme, 2012

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