A tale of Two Riley's. Or three...

Apr 04, 2012 02:57

So, I've known for quite sometime that initially, Christian Kane was supposed to play Riley (or at the very least, auditioned for the part).  I've now come to find out that Kristoffer Polaha, Ringer's Henry (and omg, how much do I love the wtfery of that show, and hope to jeebus it gets renewed).

ETA Tangent: I may have a crush on Ioan Gruffudd...what is it about quiet British guys with restrained passion and angular bone structure?  Damn...

This makes me wonder...how in the crap did Blucas beat out those two guys, and would I have been inclined to like Riley if he had been portrayed by Kristoffer?  I am certain I would have adored him if he'd been played by Christian...I don't know--some just do it better.

Also, random tangent, would anyone care to read a Spike/Kendra one shot?  Almost done writing it and will soon post, but I was just wondering if anyone cared to actually read it.


riley, buffyverse, ringer, ponderings, random

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