Buffy #9.7

Mar 14, 2012 11:10

So...read the comic.  I've taken a few pages and/or panel to discuss briefly here.  And in my humble opinion, this comic does not bode well on the Spuffy front...

Image and Spoilery Heavy... )

s9, spike, spike/buffy, buffy, comics, spuffy

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Comments 13

shapinglight March 14 2012, 16:36:23 UTC
I'd say this comic jumped the shark in this issue, but truthfully? It did that long ago.


ms_scarletibis March 14 2012, 16:39:12 UTC
Yes, indeed they did...

I guess it's my own dumb fault for believing they'd bring it back this season as promised :P Their promises, as Illyria would say, weighs less than sunlight.


shapinglight March 14 2012, 17:41:40 UTC
What? You can't relate with a 20 something discovering they're a robot? ;)


ceciliaj March 14 2012, 16:40:32 UTC
Yep, I found myself nodding along with your misgivings. Very weird issue.


ms_scarletibis March 14 2012, 22:51:59 UTC
I don't even know why I had expectations that this wouldn't jump shark once again, but alas...


jacobs_muse March 15 2012, 01:07:16 UTC
Now there's been a Buffybot for who knows how long? Wow, they're not just a train wreck....they keep piling on new trains to the wreckage.


ms_scarletibis March 17 2012, 01:48:14 UTC
Oh, no worries. I'm sure this is only the tip of that iceberg :/


larabeckinsale March 15 2012, 04:48:37 UTC
I can't believe we have a Buffy robot again! Really ( ... )


ms_scarletibis March 17 2012, 01:53:45 UTC
I'm a little confused as to whether he knew or not. I suspect he would, but they'll probably come up with some reason as to why he didn't. I will say that no one noticed the cyborgs on Angel--including Angel himself, but they had living organs (for...some reason) and fancy glamor magic.

And I have no idea how long she was a bot. Some are speculating as early as issue 1 and that her body is somewhere knocked up with Twangel's baby...ugh.

And then more horrors--that Spike may have sex with this RoboBuffy, which is just beyond low. I think I may vomit.

Oh, and plot twists for the sake of plot twists? Really crappy storytelling Joss. I mean, really...

I am so sorry. I too looked forward to this issue :(


twilightofmagic March 15 2012, 17:52:19 UTC
I haven't been following the comics, more the fan reaction to the comics, so I got pulled in by all the curiosity about ep. 7. Does seem like Spike is trashed yet again. The weird bemused reaction he has to discovering (?) she is a robot doesn't fit with the apparent sincerity of his emotions in the previous panels as he makes his love known. What a cheat that is, to have him say all that and it turns out to be a robot. But he turns on a dime and suddenly is quippy with her or it or whatever it is. Just an impression, but the comics seem to be more a game of play the readers rather than a continuation of the story and characters we knew. That strikes me as a more than a bit perverse. In general there was a good faith relationship between story creators and audience in the TV show. In the comics, it feels like Joss and the writers are sniggering at the audience and almost taunting them. But, I'm not familiar with the culture of comics and what is usually the relationship between creators and readers. Maybe that's par for the medium.


ms_scarletibis March 17 2012, 01:55:53 UTC
What a cheat that is, to have him say all that and it turns out to be a robot.Just an impression, but the comics seem to be more a game of play the readers rather than a continuation of the story and characters we knew. That strikes me as a more than a bit perverse


I don't think it's par for the medium, but I think Joss may be a bit bitter that he hasn't gained much traction with other series after Buffy. Maybe if "The Avengers" does well, the stories in the comics will be better? Although, I am not sure I will be around that long...


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