Buffy #9.7

Mar 14, 2012 11:10

So...read the comic.  I've taken a few pages and/or panel to discuss briefly here.  And in my humble opinion, this comic does not bode well on the Spuffy front...

Image and Spoilery Heavy... )

s9, spike, spike/buffy, buffy, comics, spuffy

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larabeckinsale March 15 2012, 04:48:37 UTC
I can't believe we have a Buffy robot again! Really?

If in the next issue we don't learn that Spike knew all along I would kill somebody, 'cause come on, Spike would know! Hello, listening to the heartbeat? The smell? He himself said it at the end, he knows all about Buffy bots.

So, this was like a big tease to all the Spuffy/Spike fans? I just don't get it. If Spike knew that she was a bot (which he should have), why go all romantic there?, why being protective over the baby and Buffy? If he believed that he was with the real Buffy that would make sense, and be actually a nice glimpse of the Spike we know. But I can't believe that he was such a fool and never noticed she was a bot.

Also, if somehow he became stupid over the time he spend with Angel and the bugs, and he never realized Buffy was actually a bot, then I'm gonna be so pissed off at Buffy. Because it probably means that maybe she's somewhere else pregnant and trying to run away from everybody and purposefully deceiving Spike, which imo is just cruel.

What a crappy issue, really. To think I was excited about this issue.


ms_scarletibis March 17 2012, 01:53:45 UTC
I'm a little confused as to whether he knew or not. I suspect he would, but they'll probably come up with some reason as to why he didn't. I will say that no one noticed the cyborgs on Angel--including Angel himself, but they had living organs (for...some reason) and fancy glamor magic.

And I have no idea how long she was a bot. Some are speculating as early as issue 1 and that her body is somewhere knocked up with Twangel's baby...ugh.

And then more horrors--that Spike may have sex with this RoboBuffy, which is just beyond low. I think I may vomit.

Oh, and plot twists for the sake of plot twists? Really crappy storytelling Joss. I mean, really...

I am so sorry. I too looked forward to this issue :(


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