
Jan 22, 2011 23:15

I sold another eBook yesterday.  I'm so pumped right now that my goal is to finish the one I'm working on by Wednesday at the latest, so that it can be edited and posted.  The first one--I made it free for like, three or four weeks, and it got about 500 downloads.  Then, I switched it over to payment.  This new one?  I'm going to test the waters and leave it just on payment.  We shall see how it goes...either way, I'm very proud of this current piece.  Sure, I streamlined it with some old stuff, but the new stuff?  Well, I'm very glad to have that officially off of my chest.  I think that 2011 is going to be a great year for my writing.  Mostly because I said so :p

Just got this today on FB:

Hello Jill.
Found your pictures with James and somehow gut curious. Just have to say, you have an absolute amazing style. Your outfits are amazing. You are a real beauty.
Best wishes from Germany
Katrin. x

That was my shiny for today :D

fandom, today's shiny, updates, happy things, writing

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