Buffy Reboot

Nov 27, 2010 16:15

Info on the reboot here.

So...I haven't been on LJ in almost two weeks, or maybe it's more like one...but anyway, I have no idea if anyone has posted anything about this/talked about it yet.

Maybe two years ago, I would have said "NO!! Not without Joss!!"  But considering the work he's done lately...

Well, I'm curious, honestly.  Sure, I'd feel ( Read more... )

buffyverse, angelverse, buffy, reboot, joss is the boss, poll

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Comments 35

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ms_scarletibis November 27 2010, 23:27:33 UTC
Indeed :p

Still, I don't get why he himself hasn't hopped on the vampire movie gravy train.


pfeifferpack November 29 2010, 13:43:56 UTC
I just feel that they are really looking to have their own "Twilight" type of franchise and that will mean high-school Buffy (probably pre-series) and a couple of supernaturals for love interests ala Bella/Edward/Jacob and I want no part of that at all.

I'll pay attention to the reviews and comments and will probably watch on-line out of curiosity but am expecting a disaster.

As for Joss....he's already done a re-boot in a sense with the comics and I wouldn't trust him with it again so his non-involvement matters not one whit to me.

Now if they went completely AU using only the bare bones concept (demons, Slayers, a secret council and so on)..it might be worth a watch but I am holding out NO hope. Buffy lives in the GOOD fanfic out there that is still being produced and in my memory. I cannot see that changing based on a Hollywood desire to cash in on the vampire love.



ms_scarletibis November 29 2010, 14:39:40 UTC
Yeah, that's what I mean--if it's a vamp lovefest going on right now, why do a story about a girl that kills them nightly at this juncture? Why not actually do one about a vampire?

<--hates Twilight.

I would have liked to have seen a grown up Buffy/possible sequel with Swanson. That won't happen, but my guess is that yes, they are starting way over, and it's probably best to consider it as a reboot of the film, and not the show. You can't reboot a TV show...you can adapt it into film, but that isn't what's going on here. So yeah--reboot of the first film, like what they did for "The Hulk" (and that movie badly needed it...).

*hugs Kathleen*


coalitiongirl November 27 2010, 22:55:31 UTC
If nothing else, the comics have given us a frightening image of how a Buffy movie could be under Joss's rule.

And seeing as Joss was approached and turned down the option to be involved, I don't see why he's being snarky about it now. *shrugs* The way I see it, it either won't have any effect or have a mostly positive one on fandom. What's the harm in a movie?


ms_scarletibis November 27 2010, 23:49:46 UTC
Excellent points all :)

It'll also give us something new to talk about, which is "yay!" IMO.


stormwreath November 28 2010, 00:40:49 UTC
From the way it was phrased - they already decided to do the movie, and only then decided to get in touch with Joss indirectly via his agent - I suspect that the "being involved" part would have been seriously minimal.

In fact, being the cynic that I am, I suspect the film's producers saw the outcry when it was announced without his involvement and thought, "Oh damn, this is bad publicity for us". So they decided to call Joss and offer to stick his name in the credits and pay him a token fee just so they could tell everybody that he was "involved" with the movie. But not, of course, give him any actual creative control since they'd already decided what they wanted to do there...


jacobs_muse November 28 2010, 03:51:58 UTC
Yeah, that's how I caught it was being done when the Kuzuis first announced they wanted a new BTVS movie.


Saturday 27 November 2010 pingback_bot November 27 2010, 23:07:36 UTC
User froxyn referenced to your post from Saturday 27 November 2010 saying: [...] x. 's thoughts on the Buffy reboot [...]


shipperx November 28 2010, 00:31:37 UTC
Since they only have rights to the original movie and thus to no character other thay Buffy herself, I'm paralyzed by not caring very much.


ms_scarletibis November 28 2010, 00:52:38 UTC
I'm curious, but I don't care enough either way.

<--still wants her vampire movie :(


stormwreath November 28 2010, 00:45:56 UTC
If they use the original cast, surely that wouldn't be a 'reboot' but a sequel? I thought reboot meant using the same idea, but with different actors?

I do quite like the idea of a reboot with a new, young Slayer and her friends as the protagonists, with Buffy and Xander and Willow as 30-something adults with children and families who make occasional guest star appearances. But with Joss writing and directing, pls.


ms_scarletibis November 28 2010, 00:51:54 UTC
Theoretically, it would be a reboot in respect to the first film. I don't know that it could be considered a "sequel" since you're bridging off from a show (that bridged off from a film) into a technically first movie, so...

Semantics ;)

At this point, I'm just interested in quality storytelling and at the very least, good acting. Which may very well be asking for too much...


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