S6 Evil Deeds

Oct 01, 2010 18:39

Evil: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked.

So, in my last post, the topic of whether Spike had been "evil" or not in s6 came up.  Did Spike do some messed up things that season?  Duh.  Would I classify him under evil during that season?  No.  In my opinion, regardless of season, Spike always surpassed the expectations of the average vampire, or ( Read more... )

season 6, spike, buffyverse characters, poll

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dragonflylady77 October 1 2010, 23:48:00 UTC

I'll have to come back later to see how the results have changed...


ms_scarletibis October 1 2010, 23:54:28 UTC
Thank you!

*wipes brow*

<--wasn't sure if it would ring as interesting or stupid :p


dragonflylady77 October 2 2010, 00:09:37 UTC
*likes your polls*


ms_scarletibis October 2 2010, 00:00:24 UTC
Also, we had mostly the same answers :P

Get outta my brain!!


dragonflylady77 October 2 2010, 00:04:22 UTC


You have Jonathan a lot more evil than me though.
I gave Dawn a 2 because of the shoplifting.

I'm glad we think the same about the evilness of Spike. ^_^


ms_scarletibis October 2 2010, 00:06:41 UTC
Lol :p

I only rated Jonathan so high because up until DT, he was just as culpable in his wrong doing shenanigans as the other two, and was totes okay with mind raping some chick to be a sex slave. Dawn, I think I gave a one or two...and I didn't rank Tara or Giles at all :P


dragonflylady77 October 2 2010, 00:09:21 UTC
No you didn't but you made me do it. There should have been a 0 for Tara.

Yes, you're right, he was... Still I rated Andrew higher because he actually killed someone - but my brain just told me that was season 7. Is my brain right? It's been a while since I actually watched BtVS...

It devours you starting with your bottom...


ms_scarletibis October 2 2010, 00:12:51 UTC
It devours you starting with your bottom...


Yeah, Andrew killed Jonathan in s7. I rated him higher than Jonathan though here in this season, cause he allowed himself to be Warren's little lapdog. He didn't see the wrongness of the situation, or rather, he chose not to. I think I gave him an 8, with Jonathan a six?


dragonflylady77 October 2 2010, 00:54:31 UTC


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