S8 Comics-- Issue #36

Sep 30, 2010 17:46

So yeah, I realize I'm way behind, and I didn't read anyone's thoughts on this issue.  In fact, I just read it.  There were some things that stuck out in my mind as interesting, curious, off putting or just plain yucky.

Thanks to Emmie for the screencaps.

Scarlet's (perhaps unpopular) thoughts on Issue 36... )

angel, s8, spangel, spike/buffy, bangel, comics, ponderings

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ms_scarletibis October 1 2010, 04:29:42 UTC
Well, Cordelia's transferred vision wasn't a prophecy per se...but Angel wouldn't just be skeptical--he would have investigated the situation to see what was really going on and exercised every option. Here, he went in shooting blind. Not to mention that if he was so gung ho for prophecies, he wouldn't have signed away the Shanshu. That meant he either didn't take any stock in it by that point, or that he wanted to make his own way.

Agreed on "Pangs," but "End of Days"? He merely dropped by. If he really thought she was in danger, he would have stayed no matter what she said. Buffy specifically tells him to go and be her "second front," which implied to leave in case she failed (e.g. died) and this battle surpassed the boundaries of Sunnydale. And Angel said okay, cause he grew up by then. Buffy died twice already, and he couldn't stop it or save her. He was used to that by then.

But Buffy was buttering Angel up and flattering him because she was about to tell him to go away... and it can't have been all that subtle, ( ... )


stormwreath October 1 2010, 12:25:38 UTC
I don't think Angel signed away the Shanshu because he didn't believe in it. I think he believed in it utterly, but was willing to sacrifice it for something he felt was more important.

Plus like I said in the reply above: we're not just seeing a single event here; we're seeing a whole series of flashbacks. Angel took a lot of convincing, apparently... even though he had indisputable evidence - his sudden ability to fly and pick up jet liners, frinstance - that something mystical and weird was going on.

But she didn't tell him to go away indefinitely

She never does. Not even in the cookie dough speech.

Spike wasn't evil in s6

That's not a view that's universally accepted, you know. ;-)


ms_scarletibis October 1 2010, 22:20:04 UTC
that something mystical and weird was going on.

But that doesn't mean it was right or that it should be accepted. Take for instance Cordelia's multiple mystical pregnancies. They (the AI team) didn't just sit back and accept it as if it were her destiny to carry that stuff out. Bottom line is, show/canon!Angel would have known better. I cannot in good conscience compare that character to whatever is going on in the comics.

That's not a view that's universally accepted, you know.

Well, you can apply that to pretty much anything in fandom ;)

And on a scale of one to evil, Spike was perhaps a two in s6, and lower still on the totem pole of bad behavior of the cast of characters--beneath Willow, beneath Warren, and beneath Buffy.

Of course, that's my view.


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