Best Entrance Poll

Jul 28, 2009 18:59

Now, given that I do believe that if Spike had been played by anyone else, his character would not have made it past "What's My Line? Pt 2" as intended. Even so, I wonder...

Blah, blah, marketing, blah... )

james marsters, spike, ponderings, poll

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Comments 36

maddonna001 July 29 2009, 00:22:47 UTC
I agree, Spike has the best entrance ever in television history.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 00:29:42 UTC
Yeah, I can't really think of anything that tops that, honestly, or at least, if there is, it clearly wasn't memorable like Spike's entrance.


sier96 July 29 2009, 00:32:30 UTC
I never thought about how good that entrance really was. But it really is better than any other characters in BtVS.

What that has to do with how long they planned on keeping him in the show or would Spike have been as popular without that beginning, I don´t know.

But it was great and they kept him and we love him.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 00:40:04 UTC
I haven't seen that entrance in its entirety in a long while, and when I did, it just sparked all those initial memories of "wow" lol :P

With no question, his entrance, like his character, was designed to be the "ultimate cool." Honestly, I think he would have been a hard character to get rid of by being the ultimate cool no matter who played him, but his longevity was definitely due to Marsters superior acting.


lisfayte July 29 2009, 01:08:32 UTC
Well you have 100% agreement on the second question. As for the first question, I had to go with Giles, 'cause he looked so cool whoopimg Willow's ass, and I love me some Giles in his Ripper mode, and he was mos def in Ripper mode in that scene.

As for Pretty Woman, the fact that they used a body double for much of that movie (Julia has chicken legs) probably didn't hurt either.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 03:28:24 UTC
Yeah--"I'd like to test that theory" was pretty damn awesome.

And I thought the stunt double was only for the cover of the movie?


musicbitch July 29 2009, 01:15:00 UTC
Giles, all the way, that entrance was made of so much awesome. And even though I put that Spike's entrance in "School Hard" would have probably won, he actually didn't hook me right away like he seemed to everyone else.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 03:29:03 UTC
Lol--yeah, you're in the minority there Tammy :P Or at least on my f-list, I'm sure.


musicbitch July 29 2009, 03:49:43 UTC
Shame on me, I know. I think I was too blinded by the hotness of Angel to notice him much then.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 04:02:07 UTC
Hey, you're allowed to be blinded by both ;)

Though honestly, it was kind of like "Angel who?" when Spike stepped on the screen. Though Xander did look pretty gosh darn hot in his slow mo entrance in "Go Fish" and...damn it. That should have been on this poll :P


dorians_kitten July 29 2009, 01:51:34 UTC
Oh no. I misread the poll. I would have chosen Giles. Damn.
And yes. Spike has absolutely got the best entrance. I have actually made my friend watch it with me in slow motion as I made commentary.
Yep. I am a dork. :)

Another fun entrance is Wesley on Angel.


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 03:31:54 UTC
Well, even though it was a mistake, you weren't alone (though I must admit, did the other person also make a mistake?). What did you think the question was? Though I did think Jonathan's superstar entrance was neat in a fun sort of way. But yeah, Giles was totally bad ass.

And I don't think that's dorky. Well okay, just a bit. And it totally does deserve a slow motion viewing :D

I considered Wes' entrance...but it was played for laughs kind of. And I know, I know, Jonathan, but it was only funny cause it was him, but it was meant to be a cool intro I think :P


dorians_kitten July 29 2009, 03:51:20 UTC
No. I chose it because it was funny. I was thinking memorable entrances. I thought the Giles one said Glory. :(


ms_scarletibis July 29 2009, 03:58:21 UTC
Ah, I see. That sucks :(


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