Stephen Colbert and Doctor Who

Jun 28, 2007 23:15

Looks like Stephen Colbert is a fanboy. He just mentioned Doctor Who on his show (Thurs. June 28). He was interviewing Doug Bailey, founder of Unity08, a political party based on the internet. Apparently they will be holding an internet convention next year, to which, Colbert replied...

"...wait a you're just going to get a bunch of computer nerds (signing up)'re going to end up with a nomination for Doctor Who and Chewbacca (for pres/vice pres)".

So...should I be offended that I'm stereotyped? Or sign-up and cast my ballot? DR.WHO/CHEWBACCA08!!!

Check out his site at

and look up Doug Bailey, for the interview. It may not be posted for another few minutes. It's good for a laugh!

stephen colbert, doctor who

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