I did not become the oldest woman in town by staying in a room full of knives.

Jan 25, 2007 20:04

I'm going to do a whole stream-of-consciousness, William Faulkner, kind of thing. Just go with it.

Blah, it's freaking freezing outside. I met Joe for dinner on Sunday night and I swear to god, I couldn't even smoke a full cigarette- my  hands got so cold they hurt. This is one of the reasons why I will never be a full-time smoker: cold weather.  Oh, and I'm too lazy to remember to smoke on a regular basis. I guess my hate of freezing weather and slothfulness may end up keeping me cancer free (let's just pretend second-hand smoke just makes your clothes smell).

I keep buying stuff off ebay. I got these insane 80's purple boots, because, damn, I'm only twenty-years-old! I'm supposed to wear I stupid looking shit. I do really need to stop spending money. I really need a job; see my thinking is if I end up going broke, I will be forced to actually get a job. But, no one wants to hire me anyway. Guess I'll become one of those girls I hate and ask my dad for some cash.

I actually like all my classes this semester. I forgot how much fun class could be (I can't believe I just wrote that). After two semester of practically hating every fucking class in my schedule, it's so nice to look forward to going to class. Nothing is better than laughing and learning. *sap alert* Maybe I will start to enjoy school again. Oh, and not having class until 1:30 rocks. Me plus early morning class equals sad and mostly pissed off ms_moxie.

Oh, and Boston people, how much do we hate the new Charlie card? Please don't let me be alone on this. It's gay, and yes, I know that term is offensive, but it's still gay. But I will say I have never seen as many MBTA employees in my life.

I shall watch The Office and 30 Rock now. Hope all is well with you, f-list.

cigarettes, ebay, the t, boston, college, freaking freezing

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