Now the wrong thing to do is illegal too!
So here's the thing, I'm happy that more gay rights legislation is passing. I'm still sad though. I'm sad that all my friends who love each other deeply can't get married, because they happen to be the same sex. That's the true test. That's what I want for my friends, my country, for the LBGTQ community. I want gay to be something that no one bats an eye at.
On the senate floor, in our state government in an country that is supposed to seperate the Church and the State...our legislators (ok, well not MY legislators, b/c I didn't vote for a damn one of the conservatives) were willing to say things like "Homosexuality is wronge, the bible is very clear on that." WHAT! Since when is the bible clear on anything??? And besides what is THE Bible? The king james version? The one that was compiled and translated in a room of stuffy old men? The one that was carefully composed so that all the 'right' passages would get in, and the rest of the bible...well balls to it!
So here's why I'm sad and mad. 1) I love the LBGTQ community and want everyone to be treated 100% equally under the law...espeically when it comes to civil law and the right to marriage, partnership, jobs, housing, etc. 2) I hate that religion is in my government, and that the only one that seems to be in my government is Christianity. I'd live in a society where rules and laws were created by long as every single possible relgion in the world were represented and represented with equal voice. The followers of Thor get as much voice as the followers of Christ and the folks that don't believe in religion at all. Otherwise...if government is unwilling to consider every single possible religious view (I bet there's one out there that thinks straight marriages are ruining our society and that only gays should be allowed to marry...I bet) then government and everyone in it should not be allowed to base any argument on any religeous document. EVER. PERIOD. THE END. damn it I'm still enraged.
Well, at least I have a hectic Friday commute to look forward too...that will surely *calm* me down.