The beginning or the end?

Feb 07, 2010 13:05

Okay, so here is the deal.

I still have no idea where I stand with you so I will tell you where I am coming from and what I want, to see if I can clear the air before it is too late again. I am still IN love with you. I know that you still love me? But what I do not know is if you are IN love with me and if you want a future with me. I will fully admit that it will be difficult for me to be friends right now if you do not want anything more than friendship because I still want more than anything a future with you.

I cannot stand to have my feelings messed with and from your frustration last night I do not think you can either. I have admittedly been avoiding you unless you catch me online/over text because I do not want to get my hopes up just to be crushed again. DO NOT take that as me not wanting to talk to you; because I definitely do, I just cannot continue to be hurt.

I want you to take some time and decide what you really want. Do you really want me and a future with me? Sure, we can slow things down ... but I personally do not think I can continue another year or a few years living away from the person I love to have it not actually progress. I want the physical intimacy with you because that to me is a HUGE part of a relationship ... and that cannot be achieved seeing each other every two months. So perhaps your doubts are coming true and you are not the one for me? Can you personally live without the physical aspect of a relationship? And I am talking more than sex ... non-verbal communication and physical touch are important in a relationship. At least to me. I am very, very willing to wait, but it is only fair to the both of us to either cut it now or truly make plans to move.

You tell me that you think about me here or there, but I still think about you a great majority of every single day. I want to be with you the rest of my life and if you do not want to commit to doing this by the end of the year or I cannot continue this. Of course I would want to remain friends, but remaining friends would entail only talking to each other when we catch each other online and not getting mad at the other for not being around.

Bottom line Matt, I love you and want very much to be with you, but I am only willing to wait so long. So please seriously consider all that I have said and if I am the right one for you. I believe that you CAN be the one for me, but only if YOU want to be. I have told you what I want and why I am afraid to get my hopes up. And if you have said it before then say it again so there are no assumptions. Nothing has to be decided right away, but in all fairness to the both of us it needs to be decided sooner than later please.

And I've probably given you more drama than you want/need in your life. Do you really want me???

... Danielle

And I am not pressuring for this to happen right away because I want to move forward in my job in Colorado. But I need to know what your thoughts are, where you stand, and where I stand with you.
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